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Have Yourself a Great Summer Garden
Please, let us stress the word garden. We stress it so much. It is not just the weather, it is not just the bushes, flowers, trees and so on. Yes, it is probably the most important part of the garden
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Gardenia and Bonsai – A Beginner’s Guide
Gardenia, also known as Kukui, Bonsai wherry, Marinberry or Pineapple, is a small tropical shrub with needle-shaped green leaves and a small red fruit. With a quick recovery, you can re-pot your Gardenia every two to three years to a
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How to Grow Corn?
Similar to germinating potatoes, corn is also a tuberous root crop. If you are familiar with tuberous roots, this is exactly what you’re going for. The difference is that when you plan on growing corn, you need to actually test
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Getting Ready to Garden – 10 Great Organizing Tips
The days are getting longer, the seed catalogs are in the mailbox, the plants are greening up. It is time to focus on organizing for the new planting season. Take a LookBefore you even put a trowel to the ground,
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What You Should Know About Deadheading
The undone piping is becoming more and more obvious as the bush continues to grow. I’ll admit that at first I was guilty of being a bit lazily lazy. Let’s face it, I was putting deadheading ends together until I
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The Bonsai Basics
The Bonsai Tree The bonsai tree is not ‘just another house plant’ and fans of Bonsai gardening need to have great patience and perseverance because it can take quite a few years for a bonsai to fully grow and flourish.
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What is theapproximately 20,000 species of bog plants?
bog plants grow mainly in wet, mossy, wet soils. They may grow in grass, but they prefer to be bog-grown also. These plants are mostly terrestrial but some varieties are semi-terrestrial. The primary differences between these plants are the leaves.