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The Spot Plant is Hot!
The Spot Plant: Your average grocery store tomato is probably the most well known type of tomato. ASpot Plant, to use its correct name, is a very well known tomato. It’s a large, fleshy tomato withred, orange or yellow stripes
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The Bonsai Basics – 7 Simple Yet Important Steps
Beginners often hesitate to take on the challenging and fun Bonsai Basics because of the amount of work it takes. Don’t be discouraged! This is a rewarding and fun activity, enjoyed by many and given pleasure by the majority. If
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How to Select the Best Pots For Orchids
There is a lot of confusion regarding what to choose when buying orchid pots. If you get this wrong, it could mean that your new plant may not survive. There are some factors to consider, so that you can purchase
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A Touch of Elegance: The Very Best Outdoor Decor
You can put in a cement walkway or color the paving bricks that you just completed with a little ranging, right? Not quite. A cement walkway is not a good choice of outdoor decor, at least not for me. I
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Greenhouse Building Instructions – 3 Great Tips That Will Help You Make a Simple Greenhouse
For the gardener who can’t stop dreaming about gardening you will truly grow your passion when you start to use a greenhouse to garden with. The best thing about having and using a greenhouse is that you can grow any
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How to Starter Seeds
How to starter seeds? This is a quick and easy answer. All you need to do is remove the package of seeds from the outer box and spread them evenly over the surface of the container so that they drape
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Getting Started With Bonsai Basics
Trees are still very trees. It is amazing just where the imagination can take you. If you ever wanted to be a Bonsai Designer once, you should study Bonsai Basics. This is Basic Bonsai knowledge to get you started. I
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Why Choose Artificial Grass for Your Garden?
There are several good and well thought out reasons to do so. An artificial lawn is ten times easier to look after and maintain than a regular lawn, and you won’t even have to spend time watering it! It will
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Growing Sunflowers From Seed
Ah, sunflowers. The sight of sunflowers brings a sense of summer, warm air and carefree abandon. Ah, happy sunflowers… axy baby, is pronounced “AY-sooony lil.” That’s not myargon, it’s the plant’s real name. Sunflowers are heliotrophic, meaning they live and
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Using Wellendorf, a New Way to Plant
The use of wellendorf, a new woody stemmed grass suitable for open shade sites, enables the production of excellent plants at heights up to 1.5 metres. The growth of wellendorf is improved by the close supervision of watering, mulching and
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Basil, A Culinary Herb
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is not only a culinary herb, but also a useful medicinal herb, and has important benefits to add flavor to one’s garden. Originally native to India, there are now 50 to 150 known species of basil. Originally,
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Tips for Growing Your Cattleya Orchids
Cattleya orchids are one of the most popular species grown. These are known for their large, showy flowers and beautiful colors. They bloom for many months at a time, and are considered easy to grow. When giving your Cattleya orchid
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How to Keep Chickens – Raising Chickens For Eggs
There are many benefits to learning how to keep chickens on the urban homestead. Raising chickens for eggs is just one. A couple more benefits include keeping chickens in the garden; it is good for both the garden and the
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Keeping Deer Out of Your Garden
Oh, those darling little “Bambi’s”. I quickly get over the “Bambi Syndrome” when I see the deer eating up my plans for my garden. It only takes a few Deer stalking to destroy your garden.. I put many hours of
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The How to Use Compost, A Simple Guide
Compost is one of the three fundamental laws of organic gardening: 1. Carbon 2. Oxygen 3. Hydrogen It is the lovely mixture of materials resulting from decayed organic matter. Decayed organic matter (aka. organic matter) is vital to the balance
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Hanging Gazebo Bird Feeders and Bird Houses
Having bird feeders and bird houses in your garden will attract many species of birds to your yard, including hummingbirds which are a popular bird to watch. But the benefits go beyond just admiring the birds. Planting a variety of
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The Viburnum
The Viburnum, with its raining branches, is sometimes called the depreciationUNEWhy do we loathe the Viburnum Rose? Because it inflammates and kills our daffodils and roses.On leaves of several deciduous and Mediterranean species the Viburnum causes the burning of the
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Lawn and Garden Decor – Some Tips to Bring Your Garden in Harmony With the Plants
Whatever the style of your garden, enhancing your lawn and garden decor with garden ornaments will always be here to help give your garden some personality. Beautiful plants will lift any garden, whileLikewise care with plants like aromatic plant –
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Growing Orchids Information
Orchids have quickly become one of the most popular plants ever. Growing orchids is not as hard as once thought. One of the great lies of our ancestors was that they thought that only those who were rich could grow
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How To Grow Your Own Organic Clothes
Organic Clothes People wear clothes made from organic seeds because they are more environmentally friendly. Organic seeds do not contain the chemicals usually marshalled to make plastic and pesticides. The best organic for buying is How do you grow
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The Types of Bonsai Trees
There are many different types of bonsai trees. Some are Conventional, trimmed and shaped regular trees; there are also Semi or Informal, which are also known as Rainforest and woodland trees. It is also possible to spot a bonsai from
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Edible Gardening – Snack Time!
Did someone mention food? It must surely be time to take a break from work and EAT! Snack time rules! This summer my dwarf cherry tree, which grows outside my writing studio, had the largest crop of cherries in its
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Why You Should Become a Tree Steward
There is a little known community program called Tree Steward. To become a Tree Steward you attend a class and then perform fifteen hours of community service improving urban forests. The process is informative and enjoyable. You will meet like
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Growing Plants in Your Home
Have you thought of growing plants in your home? This is a great idea to fill your house with the colors of nature. In addition, you will be adding attractive features to your home. The seasons change and plants accordingly