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Hybrid Seeds
Hybrid seeds are seeds that result from the cross breeding of two different species of plant, usually of the same species but with different qualities. The offer by hybrid seed companies of such seeds is usually attractive and tempting. The
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Why Container Herbs?
Container herbs are the answer for those determined to have garden space but lack the space for a real garden. They are great for those with limited space for a garden — they can “glass house” plants, growing in a
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Knowing Garden Culprits and Battling Against Them
Annual plants seldom develop problems since they are brought at home healthy and planted in a suitable spot with sufficient moisture. Unfortunately, trouble-making plants are often identified in the garden because of one or more of the seven cracks that
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Hydroponic Growing With LED Grow Lights
Hydroponic growing with LED grow lights has gained acceptance over the years because it is both economical and effective. Hydroponics is used when natural light in not available and one has to resort to using artificial light. In this case,
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Landscape Gardening -ressing Your Yard
If you have any experience with landscape gardening, you know that for the most part, the work of gardening is sit-and-enjoyed, along with other activities. If you have not yet started growing your own plants and foliage, you are missing
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Hardened off – why should I let my wisteria headed for the hills?
Wisteria is a classic favourite for many gardeners, especially with their long blooming periods of flower. Unfortunately as the years go by, less and less flowers are appearing on your Wisteria. If you have her in a semi shaded area