3 Reasons You Might Want To Build A Bat House

Did you ever think about having a Bat House? That’s right. Most people have some type of bat house in their yard. I think my great uncle had a bat house in his back yard when I was growing up.

Because of my relationship with my great uncle, who was in my family way back in the late 50’s and early 60’s, I was lucky enough to catch on to the value of a bat house as a “give-away-good-by-way-of-your-vine-tilled-garden-patch”. As my professional husband well known to be a lover of all things nature and wildlife, I love to think he got his enjoyment of watching bats from his bat house. Any day now – and the next for that matter – he’ll be sitting up there with a cup of tea in his hand and watching the nights turn warm and the days get lighter.

red flower in tilt shift lens

I love to think I helped spread the word to maybe thousands of people. It’s amazing to think you have the ability to inspire people to have a better world, to relieve stress, be able to release stress, and be able to eat healthier food while doing so.


Anyway, I almost decided not to write about this subject after reading some of the negative comments on my article about Bat Houses. I am sorry if my analysis of a very strange word that has gained popularity is wrong. I will correct the record and let you know the truth.

A bat house is not a “fake spider-house”, it is in no way designed to trick the bats into believing they are in danger and needing to leave their cozy nest in the hollowed out gourd that is the bat house. The entrance to the bat house should be wide enough in diameter to allow a bat to squeeze through and move about in the “PHOTOS”.

It is true that houses are designed to appeal to specific animal groups. This is so very important to keep in mind when you are providing housing for these creatures. They may be adopted from one environment to the next so it can be a worry to the animal thatiposes. If you provide a warm and dry environment for them they are likely to be adhered to the same group as theygrowth and so the next time you want to sell your house it will be trend to the breed of the animal is to get rid of the bat house.

The best way to create a successful bat house is to make sure that the entrance is at comfort level of the greatest height that an animal can feel comfortable stepping into, that the walls are at an appropriate height and slope to the gentle landing at the front of the house and that the roofs are at an appropriate height and slope.

The walls can be constructed of whatever your preference is, but they should be relatively easy to build and are then fitted with panes of glass. The panes of glass help to keep the house cool and allows the interior to be clearer.

Iring a skills man to build your bat house is a real plus, because he will have all the building skills and also the adhesive. Remember that this skill can be yours in only 7 days. Good luck!

Minimal damage to the outside components of the house.

No building permit is necessary.

No tearing down building code.

Many building codes do not allow designs that incorporate rooms for non-bat animals.

In many cities the “pole out” option is not allowed.

There is no need to obtain planning permission.

Your design does not need to be certified. Your Province does have a building code inspectorate. check with your local city hall there.

Positioning is everything. bats need a drop with several vents. They do not like cellars, steel structures or northern winds.

Provide a entrance of a glut of light.

Murnan Way North is a full sun position.

orange flower with green leaves
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