4 Secrets to Growing Juicy Tomatoes

green and brown leaves on brown soil

Growing tomatoes is immensely rewarding, both in terms of personal taste and the benefits to the greenhouse garden. But juicy, succulent tomatoes don’t just happen – they must be grown. The rules of growing tomatoes are simple – if you follow them you will get juicy, sweet, tasty tomatoes. Here are four important points to consider when growing tomatoes.

1. Decide when to plant tomatoes.Generally tomatoes are best grown when the nights and days are in the upper half of the seventies – around 60-75 degrees F.

You can take cuttings from growing fruiting branches to plant in the greenhouse or transfer them from containers to the greenhouse. The cuttings and the soil from containers are suitable for planting in the ground in cooler climates.

2. Decide what kind of tomato plants to grow.There are basically two kinds of tomato plants – the determinate and the indeterminate group. The determinate plants grow to a fixed height and fruit at a certain time. The indeterminate grow to a height that is determined by the length of the main stem. It does not matter if the plant is male or female, if it has a determinate or indeterminate growth pattern, it is best to grow both kinds to keep the fruit production to a minimum.

Determinate tomatoes are also sometimes known as bush tomatoes because of how much space they need in the garden. You can also grow some tomato plants in pots that will enable them to spread out and climb around other containers.

The smaller varieties of tomatoes are often used in sandwiches and salads and are red, plum or green. Often accompanied by lettuce, they are a nice addition to any dish.

How to Grow Juicy Tomatoes

There are many different ways to grow tomatoes and they are quite easy to learn. Growing tomatoes depends on providing the right conditions.

Basically tomatoes grow best in warm temperatures of up to 85 degrees F during the day and around 65 degrees F at night. And the ideal temperature range for growing tomatoes is around 60 degrees in the morning and in the evening.

This is why it is important to know the temperature of your tomato growing area. Soil temperature is also important and should be kept at a steady 65 degrees F.

It is best to grow tomato plants from seeds as if you try to grow them from seedlings, you will maximize your losses in case of frost. You can also choose to plant “stepping stone” tomato plants. This will be a tomato plant that you can move around to various sunny locations in your house.

Taking Care of the Soil

To grow tomatoes successfully there is not much to do other than to provide lots of sunshine and a rich soil. You can use a home made “mulch” to cover the soil and this will do wonders.

If you have a well mulched soil you will find that your tomatoes will require fewer plantings. You can use old newspapers, food residues, and even other organic materials to mulch your soil. This will keep the soil moist and fertilize it at the same time.

You should use a water soluble fertilizer when you are planting your tomato plants. This will be available on the market in tubes or in any garden shop. Just follow the instructions provided on the labels.

You must not forget to feed your tomato plants with sufficient nutrients. Soil is the most important factor in the growth of a tomato plant.

Dealing with pests

Pests are also another factor that you need to take care of and prevent from occurring in your tomato garden. You can do these by attracting birds, frogs or other insects that will prey on these pests without consuming your tomatoes.

These measures will ensure a much healthier crop of tomatoes.

The Bounty of the Tomato Garden

If you love to grow tomato plants then you will find that planting them in a garden can be rewarding and quite a taste as well. It is best to follow these simple tips and steps to grow the best tomatoes that can be had.

If you follow these guidelines and take care of them regularly then there is no reason why you should not have a bountiful tomato garden that provides you with your regular supply of home grown tomatoes.

One source of great tomato growing tips is theCopyright © Larry Gildea. All Rights Reserved.

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