A Rose By Any Other Name

Common Rose, also known as Wild Rose, Barnyard Rose, Cottage Rose, or just plain Rose, is the most popular and easiest variety of Rose for beginning gardeners to successfully grow. Growing a Rose from seed is not difficult at all and the results are instant. You can see their similar appearance to common roses, differing only in size and shape.

Common Roses grow on long, low-growing stalks and will only reach to about 2-3′ tall. This makes them more suitable for planting in pots. They can also be grown as climber roses and covered in winter. This type of Rose takes the extra care to be well supported, because they do produce blooms well after others have lost theirs. They are naturally reputed to be more disease resistant than the other types of Roses, being also natural insect repellents.

selective focus of blueberry plant

Growing a Rose

1. Roses need full sun to thrive.

2. Roses need to be planted in a well-drained, sandy loam soil.

3. Roses require approximately 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.

4. Roses flourish in slightly acidic soil.

5. Roses require 1 1/2 to 2 inches of water each week.

6. Roses require the right amount of fertilizer.

Planting a Rose

1. Roses grow best in a well-drained, fertile loam.

2. Roses prefer a temperature ranging from 60 to 75 degrees F.

3. Roses flourish in open, sunny spaces.

4. Make sure the soil is never too wet or too dry.

5. Spider mites can become a problem if the soil is too wet.

6. Roses like to be fed organically. However, commercial fertilizers can be too strong for roses and can damage them.

Rambling Roses

1. Rambling roses have a large, open-tomato-like flower and large, plain flowers that grow up the main stem. They are natural climbers and can be found growing naturally on walls, fences and even on houses.

2. The main draw of rambling roses is their large, showy flowers.

3. They come in many colors and varieties including: Ballerina, breezy, hybrid tea, jam sandwich, hybrid perpetual, oakleaf and scented.

4. The flowers of rambling roses are strongly fragrant.

5. These roses bloom repeatedly throughout the season.

6. These roses are tough and disease resistant.

7. They can be pruned at any time of the year as long as they are kept moist.

Keeping the Climbing Roses Alined

1. Climbing roses bloom best when they are given organic fertilizer.

2. Using homemade compost is a good way to go when fertilizing climbing roses.

3. Roses should be watered once a week. To avoid mildew, water the root area and leave it without daily watering for about a week.

4. Climbing roses are best suited in bright outdoor conditions.

5. Weed climbing roses are really essential for their growth.

6. You can remove old dead branches by cutting them at the base. This will encourage new growth.

7. Climbing roses are really sensitive to frost. Most of them can tolerate cold, but not in extreme cold.

In the United States, there are certain dates on the calendar when these climbing roses are usually in season. They are usually planted in April and should be pruned in May. their leaves start wilting and fall off, while they are storing up energy for the following season.You can plant climbing roses on the edge of your garden to help it stand out. Some can even be trained to grow up walls or fences. Use them to add color and class to your garden. There are hundreds of varieties to choose from and read the tag that comes with them before you buy. A good nursery should be able to help you choose the right ones for your garden.

Climbing roses are fun to grow and add natural beauty to your garden.

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