Add Serenity to Your Home With Plants and Shrubs

brown dried leaves on ground

When you add plants or shrubs to your landscape, you add color and depth to your garden.  Some plants thrive in shady areas, while others prefer sun.  Many different types of plants make up the landscape and they all have different uses for the season.

Many plants require or prefer a certain condition of the soil.  You can prepare your soil by digging and improving the soil with earthworms.  If the soil is not prepared correctly, the earthworms may not survive and your plants will die.

Most plants prefer a pH level between 5.5 and 7.0.  You can use a soil testing kit to test the soil.  You also can pick up some soil from garden centers and specialty nurseries.  Gardeners on large properties often hire a landscaper or gardener to do most of the work.

Certain plants thrive when planted in areas that have a lot of shade.  You do not want to plant these in the open in the summer.  You may want to read up on companion planting.  Planting certain plants together can make the problem areas much less.  For example, blueberries and strawberries do well when planted by themselves.

Some plants enjoy full sun.  You will want to find out from your local nursery which plants are sun compatible and then purchase some of these plants.  You will not be sorry for the stunning display these plants produce.

Your landscape can be more functional by planting climbers on the north side of the house.  Typically a support or trellis is needed on the north side since they do not produce as much shade on the south side.

And there are many other possibilities for planting.  You may want to start with potted herbs from the store.  You can then plant them in pots to see how they do.  Or perhaps a few shrubs a few feet from the house or in pots.

Gardening is seasonal, but the joy of watching something grow and flourish is in what you do during the growing season.  You should be sure to plan your garden activity with some thought.  Activities like canning, drying and freezing make the hobby more enjoyable.  Gardening is also a great help in the exercise.  Strenuous activities such as rose gardening can require a lot of manual labor, but there is much manual labor in there as well.

Rose gardening is not hard.  The hard part comes in trying to keep the rose from being invaded by weeds and various insects.  Mulching and cultivating are the best tools to use for controlling most garden pests.  There are many recipes for natural pesticides out there and your local nursery garden center will be able to provide you with a mixture to suit your preferences.  Be sure and check the label on any pesticide to ensure that you understand the safety limits before using it.

Rose gardening will give you a wonderful display of blooms. Experienced gardeners enjoy arrangements of roses. You do not have to concerned with cutting off the roses just as the petals begin to fall. It is so much easier to pick up the stems of the roses at this state. The petals will fall anyway, it is just that the human eye does not immediately see them falling. This is the natural way of seeing beauty if you look for it.

If you want to grow roses, you need to dig a hole that is twice as large as the pot that they are currently in. The depth of the hole should only be as deep as the pot. You may want to use a line to help you measure how deep you must make a hole. Extend the “stem” all the way around the hole and stop when it touches the top of the “cup” or “pot”. The roses should be placed in this newly dug hole and you should water the freshly dug hole with some water that you have collected.

When dealing with the roots, you need to be sure that you have got rid of all the debris and waste. There needs to be good soil at the bottom of the hole and the plant can then be placed in a new location. You will want to make sure that the “drill” that has been previously usedtains the correct depth as this is the correct depth as well. When dealing with those roots, pull them as far as possible as this will make it easier to separate the plant. There may be a wire protecting the root, which you can cut away with care.

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