An Easy Way to Fertilize Your Lawn

purple flower field during daytime

Fertilizing is very important to get a healthy and beautiful lawn. However, you cannot just run into a brick wall and expect your lawn to great. You need to know when and how often you need to fertilize your lawn so that you can achieve the best results. Most people tend to neglect their lawns and they end up with a poorly growing lawn that isn’t green and is prone to pests.

Regardless of where you live, if you have the time and the inclination you can go about this properly. However, if you live in a rural area with noBuy around 10 ohreens, you will probably be okay .

Why Fertilize

The purpose of fertilizer is to help your grass grow.

There are three elements that need to be in good health before you can have a healthy lawn.

You need nitrogen-grass needs nitrogen to supply the process of photosynthesis, the ability for grass to produce the nutrients that it needs and use them to grow. Without this, your grass will not be able to grow properly.

You need phosphorus-phosphorus helps in the development of strong roots and produces a sturdy lawn.

You need potassium-potassium plays a major role in the resiliency of the grass and ensures that it can survive the harshness of the climate. It is also important when cultivating a healthy lawn.

How to Fertilize

The first step you should take before fertilizing is to plan on what type of fertilizer you will be using. There are three main elements to look for.

Tip1: The first is the percentage of the three nutrients that you need. The fertilizer that contains 25% of nitrogen will deliver the best results. However, for a first time application, you should stick with the 25% of nitrogen to ensure that you have a healthy lawn.

Tip2: The second element is called “mm,” this indicates the percentage of the three nutrients in the fertilizer. The smaller the number after the mm indicates how much nitrogen is in the fertilizer. So, a fertilizer that has 25% nmsumps a high amount of nitrogen into the soil.

Tip3: The third element is referred to as “Ti,” this element is used to help stimulate the grass to grow quickly. Ti enhances the “top” looking of the lawn, helping it to “stick” out.

To determine your need for fertilizer, you must know your percentage of these nutrients in your soil. If your soil has a healthy breakdown of nutrients (i.e. 50/50 composition) you will have to provide a little more care and fertilizing. However, if you find the high percentage of nutrients in your soil is toward the bottom, you will need to focus more on the Ti element.

What type of fertilizer to use depends on your soil type. Sandy or dusty soil will need to have more Ti than would be needed in loamy or clay soil. Most of the topsoil is a loamy soil type. You may need to add sand and organic material. Use a pitch fork to loosen the soil and mix the newly mixed soil with the fertilizer that you use.

Topsoil is the best to use for lime-hating plants such as azaleas. The soil should be about 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You can actually do this by using a soil thermometer. A soil thermometer will tell you what the temperature of the soil is. If the temperature is higher than the thermometer reading, then you can add stuff to make it colder. If the soil is colder, then you will need towinter over the site Preparation is vital. Summer weeds can actually damage the top portions of your lawn, so it is important to remove them so that the lawn can recover.

Weeds are colourful, and they can be fun to get rid of but, if you have to have neat, trim grass, then weeds are the least of your problems. It is best to remove them in the fall, so that they can do their work during the winter before you start any more gardening work. Once you start, though, you will probably just need to wait for the weeds to die off and let them die over the winter.

So, as you go about your gardening, remember that weeds are growing in the same place you are. Get out there and kill the weeds where they grow. Also, kill the weeds when they are small and before they flower. And when you plant your future garden, make sure that you allowed the weeds to die over the winter. There will be less of these weeds spring planting.

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