Bonsai – What Is The Best Type Of Tree To Choose

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Deciding which type of bonsai to own is a crucial point in the successful cultivation of bonsai trees. Selecting the right bonsai tree is essential to maintain the growing tree form for a long time. A bonsai tree is a little like a real tree with attributes and characteristics. Just as the bonsai artist deals with the actual plant, the bonsai pot is critical to the tree’s health as well. The right pot will offer the finest conditions for the tree to grow.

The selection of bonsai pot will depend on the bonsai style chosen. There are bonsai pots available in both conical and spherical shape. The conical bonsai pots are ideal for styling as they are pleasing to the eye. The larger spaces between the holes will require a heavier bonsai pot. In case of choosing a conical bonsai pot, it is essential to select one that has a sloped base.

Spanner Bonsai Pots require bonsai pot more shallow than the conical pot and hold the plant at a higher angle. The angle in the spanner bonsai pot is placed for aesthetic reasons. Most spanner bonsai pots are slimmer than the conical style.

The cascade and semi cascade bonsai styles use the same pot with different designs. In the cascade style the bonsai is trained to curves which automatically produce the impression of growth upwards beyond the bottom base. The pot is usually deeper than the upper base of the tree and placed to hide the decay or rockyness of the lower portion of the tree.

The remaining pots are slimmer and place less volume on the root systems. They are mostly used for styling however the manufacturer may also decide to model them as family heirlooms. These are usually identical to the spanner bonsai style with the exception of the pot being placed to hide the decay or rockyness of the lower portion of the tree.

Family heirloom style is a variety of bonsai cultivation in which larger plants are used to make a specific aesthetic statement. These mismatched elements of nature are used to make the bonsai more interesting. A large bushy plant is used to form the trunk of an informal tree. The bonsai is styled in a cascade design. The trunk has irregular thickness with each branch having a thickness in between that is similar to that of the branch and the central portion of the tree.

This style is called the hedge style because of the shape of the branches that are formed. They are also called the group style as the branches are groupings of varying sizes. The branches are also planted in a spiral pattern similar to the zigzag or the bitten style.

Cascade style is also known as the group or the high style. In this style the bonsai is pruned and trained to resemble a cascading tree.

upright style is also one of the bonsai training methods. In this style the tree is trained to be upright with a thick trunk forming a cone where the branches then hang.

Growing bonsai trees.

After you select the appropriate pot for the tree, dig holes at the appropriate places for the tree. The right kind of soil is crucial for the healthy growth of the plant. You can fertilize the soil once a month.

Then apply fertilizer to the soil. The fertilizer should be such that the phosphorus content should be half of the potting soil. At first gingerly, but then later you need to raise the level of fertilizer providing the bonsai tree a sufficient amount of food. In short, feeding your bonsai tree is very important in order to make sure that the tree’s health is maintained.

Pruning your bonsai tree.

Pruning is also extremely important for the healthy growth of the bonsai tree. Spring is the most suitable season to prune the bonsai tree. Branches must be cut back to prevent the branch from breaking and then the next stage would be trimmed.

Then cut the leaves to make way for a new growth. In order to make the leaves grow faster, anytime the leaves are cut half a branch is cut.

Watering your bonsai tree.

scant the bonsai tree water as this could cause the tree to become dehydrated. Most bonsai trees would need to be watered twice a day. However, under high humidity or throughout heat the bonsai tree might need to be watered once a day.

Have you ever seen a bonsai tree? There are many bonsai tree that are kept in the indoor. So, take one for your own in your home. Indoor bonsai is not hard to do.

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