Building a Successful Vegetable Garden


Building a successful vegetable garden certainly can be a piece of cake even for those who have not grown their own vegetables in the past. As long as you choose the right spot, have the necessary things and follow a few simple guidelines you can be on your way to having one of the best gardens of your batch.

Choosing a location

It is imperative that you choose a proper location you will be ninety percent sure of getting enough sunlight for your plants to thrive. At the same time, you have to choose a place that will get the right amount of wind to help your plants grow properly.

The soil

There is a “hybrid” or “lo friendly” soil that is usually better than regular soil for growing vegetables. You can also add some compost or even peat moss to a specifically made organic soil to make it even better. Soil is the most important part of any garden.

Use of chemicals

Chemicals are never the answer to a successful vegetable garden. You might need to use some chemical to control certain insects or maybe to aid in the prevention of disease. However, youhave to be extremely careful of what you use because too much of certain things might destroy your plants.

Preparing the soil

The first thing you have to do is to prepare the soil. Go to your local nursery and ask for a bag of top soil. Buy a bag and then take the soil from the bag and dump it into your garden.

If your soil is not too good, you will have to improve it by adding compost and/or fertilizer. If you compost it, you might have to face the fact that you will have to replace the soil with fresh soil; otherwise, your vegetables will grow diseased or might even die. Determine what kind of soil you have by digging into the garden a good ten inches.

As you may know, manure is a wonderful way to make your soil much healthier. So you can also add leaves, grass clippings, coffee grounds or fruit peels to your soil as well.

The vegetables

It is best to choose the vegetables that can grow in your region. You can easily determine the ones that will be best for you by reading the best plants articles.

There are many people who are new to organic gardening. Therefore, they do not understand that you cannot plant anything except the things you buy from a certified seed contractor. You must follow all the instructions that are included with the seed pack and you have to be careful not to mention the pesticides too.

This is one of the many reasons why buying plants from a contractor is a better option. This way, you will not be wasting money on plants that will not grow.


The watering part is really dependent on the kind of soil you have in your garden. If you have a hard clay soil, you have to water the vegetables more often as clay doesn’t absorb water easily. This is also true for sandier soils. However, in almost all cases, vegetables require a good amount of water for them to grow well and healthily. Too much water can be fatal for them. You have to be really careful in giving them enough water.

Watering your plants too much will lead to the rotting and dying of the plants. In addition, too less water will stunt the growth of the plants.

Air drainage

Being above ground, plants need the air circulation that they can get. When you have a hard time to aerate your soil because of high winds or because of humidity, your plants will be suffering.

To eliminate this problem, you might need to put up some form of windbreak. You can do this by planting a few shrubs or even trees that can grow fast so as to block the wind. Another option is to use a pond or a fountain.

The Watering

There are different ways in how you can water your plants. You may choose to water them according to the needs of the season. This means watering them more often in summer and less so in winter. You may also want to consider cultivating a soaker hose. A soaker hose cuts out the bad outside air and only the good air.

If you decide to water by hand, you have to be careful not to over-water the seeds. It is best to water them once every second day for about 15 minutes. Plants grown in a soaker hose will need to be watered that way for optimum growth.

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