Caring for Orchids – A Step-By-Step Guide

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If you are caring for orchids, then you certainly understand how magnificent these flowers can be, with the proper care. They beautify your surroundings and give off a wonderful aroma. So, if you have also gone through the same stage, below is a step-by-step guide on how to care for your orchids.

Here are some general guidelines to follow caring for orchids.


As for all plants, orchids need water. They do not necessarily need rainwater to survive, but they definitely need to be watered on a regular basis. Watering your orchids on a regular basis is the best way to assure that they grow strong and healthy. If you do not water your orchids for a long time, they may eventually die.

To know if your plant needs water, simply dig a finger into the medium or the potting medium. If you feel moisture on your finger, it does not mean that you need to water the plant yet. It is only necessary to water the plant if the roots are dry. So, keep a watchful eye on the roots of your plant. If you find the roots to be very dry, you may want to consider misting the plant.

It is easier to water orchids using tap water. However, rain water is also good for your plant. Tap water usually contains chlorine, which is harmful to the plant. Rain water on the other hand is natural and contains nutrients your orchids need.


These orchids usually grow in rain forests and other tropical places. The lotus is native to India, where it gets its name. Therefore, the orchid gets its name from the place where it comes from – Lotusland, UK.

There are several varieties of rainforest orchids, namely the Sarracenia, the Aspidistra, the Spathoglottis, and the Pokelowa. For beginners, the Aspidistra orchid is perfect due to its hardiness and resilience toventure weather conditions.

The Sarracenia variety of orchids grows well in damp, cool places. It usually blooms better when the temperature is cool. The Spathoglottis orchid does well in high temperatures – flora blooms more frequently in warm temperatures. The Pokelowa orchid utilises the humid climatic conditions to its advantage; it has wonderfully fragrant flowers.

If you want to grow orchids successfully but are from a colder climate, you must know that light must be a factor. The particular care needed depends on the particular orchid. The cool orchids require less light than the warm varieties. The aspidistra is an excellent choice for the beginner as it likes bright light.

The warm varieties like the vandas lilies require much more light. The lilies will grow well in strong sunlight but too much sunlight will kill it. If you want to grow vandas but are from a colder region, you must remove the winter light for 7 to 10 days. You must also place the vandas in a bright window where the sun can’t reach the plant.

Vandas do not need much water. Vandas thrive in rainwater if they are from a cold climate. You can water them once or twice a week, but for other varieties, water may be scarce or Purchase a water-blemcher and water your plant twice a month.

6. Rest period

Vandas need to take a break from flowering for 3 to 4 weeks. Vandas that have been re-potted recently need even smaller rest periods. After-its-rest period, it is advisable to doze off for about 10 to 12 hours.

After their rest period, the Vandas are ready to flower again.

7. Feeding

For many years, I had no idea about the amount of fertilizers that should be put to orchid plants. Now I’m ahead of the game and suggest to give dissolved in water, or general purpose fertilizers to your Vandas. Supposedly, Vandas like even neglected fertilizer. Supposedly, they need it to surviving their kind.

8. Pruning

Vandas are usually sensitive to pruning. There are two reasons for this. First, because the Vandas’ foliage is often very thick, it can be smothered by heavier pruning. Second, the way they grow, they spread out through their roots and can, therefore, easily smother unwanted intruders.

If you firmly decide not to use chemical insecticides and you’re growing Vandas because of their colorful leaves, the safer bet is to carefully dig around the plants and pull off the unwanted dead bits.


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