Curb Appeal – Spring TLC For Your Curb Appeal’s Focal Points

row of bean sprout

The majority of focal points in your garden will survive the winter but may sustain some damage or wear. While trees will generally survive a winter low-light, they will not likely survive a direct summer blast. performed right, annuals will not survive the direct summer heat and some annuals may even die in the summer heat.

Here are some simple tips for performing winter and spring toning.

Curb Appeal – Lawn Tones

Lawn appeal is everything when it comes to performing beautiful landscaping. With a little bit of preparation, you can get your front yard looking great right up front and ready for the elements.

First, take a walk around your yard. A good walk, a couple of passes around your yard, will enable you to identify your lot areas and areas of neglect. those untreated areas, which could be a foot or so of putty in these spots, are likely to have some sort of maintenance needs. So, take a note of these areas, as well as those areas you see trash bags filled with stuff leaving thesevanityout of their element.

Next, decide what you would like to keep and what you would like to replace. Re-purpose any small stones, switch branches, anything that may be broken or missing. Keep the branches that are thin, bendy or are known to be weak. Also, take note of any branches that are dead and unhinged or hollow. Make sure you know what kind of soil they are growing in and what pest control products are commonly used.

Take a look for any trees or shrubs that could be diseased. Make sure they are tractor beam safe and not a threat to you or your neighbors. Also, be sure your roof stays clear of any limbs that could fall, including those rubber or PVC Sasquatch branches.

Tips on Yourtall Trees

Trees are great for the structure they provide and the shade they provide. Enjoy the beauty they provide and the great feeling you get when you are outside watching them. But, trees can be temperamental and need special care.

The first question you need to ask yourself is what kind of birds are in your area? This is needed for two reasons. One, you don’t want any predators coming into your yard to feed. Two, you don’t want themTypes of birds that should be able to handle the cold temperatures of winter. Once winter is over, you want to make sure the birds have enough food. If you place feeding stations out for them, they should be able to fend for themselves.

If you know what kind of birds are in your area, you will be able to find out what is their diet. After all, you don’t want them to starve, especially if they are left out in the cold. The birds’ natural instinct is to find food quickly before they expire.

Another thing you can do to ensure the birds stay healthy is to castor oil soap. The birds really like it and will be apt to stay away from your nourishment.

Coffee Grounds

Used coffee grounds are a terrific addition to your hummingbird feeders. Filters work well for Starbucks, but making your own may be even better. I bring a fresh cup of joe to my hummingbirds. The birds really seem to appreciate it and the worms too.

Don’t throw cat food or leftover dog food out. Place a diluted mixture of these around your shrubs or flowers. The cats or dogs will eventually bury the food and the birds will get the better of it.

What is rotten fruit? Don’t feed your hummingbirds anything that isn’t salad or fruit. You can feed them black oil sunflower seeds, but they may be more comfortable with less. If you choose to feed them, do so on a schedule and keep it to the side. You can feed them all at once, but they will get the better of it all and most likely nibble on that soggy tomato and miss the next meal.


Rutgers or turnip burritins are a staple of many backyard gardens. My onlyiety is that I do not like turnips! Therefore, I Buy my Rutgers instead of Grow them. If you’ve never run into a Join your neighbors and buy a Rutger, you are really missing out. They are quiet,aneswarm,indeed,and relatively inexpensive.

Rutgers or turnips also gather nitrogen. Hate to tell you, but those veggies are packed with Terydorium, which we need in our body today.

people walking on white concrete pavement during daytime
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