Different Kinds of Orchids – How to Care for Them


If you want to know how to care for orchids then you’ll have to search a bit. There are a number of various species of the plant. Orchids can be both beautiful and frustrating to look at. They come in varying stages of growth and blooming. They require the grower to keep a watchful eye on them.

Whilst some species of the orchid will bloom for many years, others will bloom once but then never again. If you want to know how to care for orchids of the flowering type then you’ll have to choose the plant that will reward you with the flowers that you desire.

Orchids that will bloom for a number of years are known as epiphytes. They don’t possess aerial roots or usage of the tree as a support type of situation. The plant is usually found in the ranges from 60 to 70 meters.

They are then either terrestrials or terrestrial and there are both evergreen and deciduous types of the plant. The evergreen orchids possess the ability to grow without the assistance of any material surrounding it.

The plant isugely vast and vast amounts of knowledge can be gained from just internet research. You will discover that orchids are classed into either terrestrials or epiphytes and there are hundreds of thousands of registered growers of the plant.

There are records that show that the orchids play a vital role in the life of many plants including humans. The orchid is used as one of the most popular house plants as they don’t demand too much care as other plants of the same kind.

By far the most popular of the orchid species is the phalaenopsis orchid. The phalaenopsis orchid is found in the informal orchids category. This orchid produces fragrant blooms of various colors that includes white, pink and purple.

They bloom for two to three months if properly cared for. They need bright light, fertilizer and right amount of moisture.

Another useful variety of orchid is the Dendrobium hybrid. The Dendrobium hybrid is the most popular of the crossbreed orchids. The flowers of this hybrid are also very pretty.

They have been known to resemble the dead flowers of our uncles.

Orchids have been on the earth for centuries and even thousands of years. They have evolved with the environment that exists today and will continue to adapt as necessary to survive.

Orchids should be protected from harsh weather conditions. Orchids do not do well in freezing temperatures. Do not keep them indoors for any reason.

Orchids require a special orchid fertilizer. When you purchase orchid fertilizer you need to make sure it contains the necessary elements needed for the plant to grow.

You will be able to find this fertilizer at your local garden shop. You could also make your own fertilizer by combining nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with water.

Keep in mind that too much nitrogen, like that of corn, produces very good blooms but very bad roots whereas too much phosphorus or potassium causes the plant to be lush and fruitful but has weak looking leaves.

Potassium is great for orchids that are in active growth state. You need to make sure that the plant has plenty of potassium for the orchid to be able to have the best blooms.

A small amount of ammonia will assist in increasing vegetative growth of the plant.

Keep the flowers moist and pay attention to them moisture. The flowers should be kept moist at all times not wet.

This is the time to trim the leaves off the orchid. Keep in mind that it is a common mistake for people to cut the leaves of the orchid. This causes the plant to begin losing its leaves.

The leaves should be trimmed a quarter of an inch to prevent dead roots. Remember that the roots are only responsible for absorbing the nutrients that they receive and will not cause the plant to die.

If the flowers are exhibiting signs of rotting or dying, then you need to repot them. You will do this every other year. As the plant will be almost-fresh, the roots will not be able to hold on to the nutrients properly due to repotting.

Caring for orchids can be very tricky but it is a hobby with a worthwhile end. You will not be able to get all the way into knowing the care taking full of tiny details but as you continue to research and read materials you will be able to get better at it.

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