Flower Gardens

Rows and rows of glorious flowerbeds greet you. Dew-drenched fragrances soothe a tired soul and waft you away to paradise. Flower gardens thrill people the world over, providing welcome respite from humdrum routines and a special radiance to any home.

Everybody loves to be surrounded by flowers. Building your own special flower garden can be a terrific challenge. You may have only a tiny patch of dream space or acres of open countryside. Small, medium or king-sized, garden designs must be carefully plotted and labored over for the best results.


Experienced landscape designers can innovatively brainstorm with you for your large garden. Professional guidance in arbor-placements, pathways, flowerbeds, hedges and trees can save you time, money and planting nightmares. The gift of music, an Improviser’s guide to pruning, planting, mulching and preserving, a water-resistant garden liner, a greenhouse waterproof layering material, a potting bench, a gazebo or pergola, and a Thought Extension dolly, are just a few of the Design Tools that can help you create a garden for your style.

Small and medium-sized gardens permit an entrepreneurial approach, provided you have sufficient open space and time. You can create a splash of color in an otherwise dull corner with the beacon of a sun-loving flower. Complement a planter of your woody friend’s bright red rose with a dark chocolate p across the centre of a planted pot of dark gorgeous red mini pumpkins.

For an innovative approach to flower gardening, try planting a wildflower garden. In the cooler months, foxgloves, meadow-sweet peas, and apple blossom will dart through the flowerbeds, while autumn dandelions and goldenrod-like flowers provide scares for those dull days.

Runner beans are extremely easy to grow, and wonderful companion plants for tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs, as they both enjoy the same soil and flourish in the same conditions. They are both half-hardy and expandably edible, and can be trimmed quite hard at the end of the season.

If you have no bed space, no problem – runner or French beans can be planted in large containers, the appropriate soil mixed with compost and seeds, and careatively placed among your plants. Harvest the beans within days, and again before the first frosts.

Chilli plants, hot peppers, and big tomatoes like the nephews of the giant species should not be lifted outdoors until the danger of frost has passed. However, if you grow some Pieces of fruit at the bottom of your garden in a mesh cage, these can be gently lifted over the winter months and potted up. They will all need frost protection, but this can be provided by a plastic tent nurtured over the plants or by planting them in the greenhouse. Lift the plants from their pots and let them dry in the greenhouse for a few days, and they are ready to plant out safely the following spring.

Now that you have some idea of what to grow in your flower garden,ander you can experiment and come up with your very own ideal. The wide variety of bedding plants and flowers also means that you can grow some unusual and beautiful plants. And by opting for the more exotic plants, you can broaden your appeal to friends and relatives and impress them with your catering to their every need.

If you want to tackle a large project on your own, you may find that hiring a professional landscape gardener is the sensible thing to do. Let them get the job done right the first time, and before you know it you will be the proud owner of a spectacular garden that will be the envy of your friends and neighbours.

green leaf plants
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