Flowers and Shrubs in Early September


In the flower border the roses now burst into their second flush, the dahlias are heavy with bloom while golden rod and Michaelmas daisies, hungry trespassers, take over the neglected gobegarden. At this time with autumn breezes just beginning, Michaelmas daisies, heavy with bloom, may need extra support. Sweet pea lovers can start a new cycle this year with a larkspur for thecentre of their pea bed.

Shrubs now need some attention again, with part being done by removing the faded lavender and mosses. Trim bushy shrubs and remember that the deciduous plants must be protected from the autumn winds.

Lavender and mosses can be lifted, cleaned and dried in the conservatory, and then placed in a linen draw.

In the house, out of the harm’s way, the Christmas cactus can be brought into the greenhouse. It is still green, but at this time of year its only action is to produce buds, obviously with the greatest of care. Christmas hydrangeas and primulas should be brought from the frame and bed prepared for flowering in January-February.

It’s good to be able to count on flowering early next month, for all gardens.

Lilies: Lily of the valley blooms at this time with notable white flowers.

Shrub roses: waiting for the blooms?

oom gobblies: this is a great time to divide and propagate bushes of mild weather flowers, azaleas, rhododendrons etc.

Helianthemum, Frame bred is a compact, well flowering rose and ideal for small gardens.

Hybrid Gallica: ready to bloom this month.

JohnMesh, Monro’s mop-head rose has caused much delight in mature gardeners for many years, Monro’s John Mesh has deep red flowers with cream coloured centre.

Rose of Sharon Vine: a native of Israel, it has quickly become one of the most popular roses.

thyme is a useful plant for edging, when not flowering.

Dianthus is a useful border herb: with its blue flowers, like many true roses.

Chives make a contribution to pot-growing.

Poppies are also welcome border flowers:undy poppies

Buddleja is nasturtium – or viola, if you want to get technical.

Gladiolus has been around for thousands of years as a popular garden plant – propagated from seed around the world.

Cock’s Comb grows well in dry conditions and self seeding, requiring the addition of some fertiliser when propagated.

Thyme ‘Dark Fragrance’ is a standard herb for pot grown roses.

Safety-first warning

Gladiolus is regarded as an extremely dangerous plant and people are generally warned against handling it. The dark stain on the leaf tops and flowers can be causes by rosae fungi.Prevention of disease is the best way of fighting guzzly water.

Rose Mosaic is a virus which attacks the rose’s leaves, and the diseased leaves and flowers will be black and will discolor.

Rose Canker is also known as Canker-Mosquito, which is the mosquito’s worst nightmare if dropped into the rose garden.

Powdery Mildew is a fungal disease that produces a light-colored, powdery coating on the leaves and flowers.

Black Spot is another of the common diseases attacking rose plants. This disease causes black spots on the leaves and can cause the plant to weaken.

The next pests we will look at are the caterpillars of the rose aphid.

The larvae of the rose aphid are attracted to the buds of the roses. They are then ready to feed on the roses thereby propagating the plant.

The rose spider mite is also a rose pest thatuses on the underside of leaves.

prevented by making a suitable selection of plants in the garden.

Aphid control is also possible by using suitable garden chemicals, such as Malathion.

Don’t forget all the insects that can ruin your roses garden.

Aphids can be controlled by using suitable garden chemicals, such as Thurynthyl or Malathion.

Remove the insects by hand or with a nylon paintbrush.

You can also try using a rose insecticide, which is less toxic than the insecticides.

Mint is also used to repel aphids.

Spearmint is used against caterpillars.

Sulphur is used against rose chafers.

Basil is used against rosetubers.

Willow Bark is used against rose troubles like black spot and mildew.

A selection of recommended plants for your roses.

white flowers in tilt shift lens
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