Geodesichenics – Stray Winds And Self-sealing Vents

Something happens to me sometimes. I go out shopping, pick up a helpful little bouquet of flowers with vibrant calla lilies and mix it with some carnation and Mauve constructing a floral masterpiece. It looks great on the store counter top but when I get home, I notice a major development in my fuchsia figurine. Not sure what is wrong but I really want to figure it out some more. Around this time of year I usually have a significant growth spurt in my plant so I get plenty of fulfillment taking care of it.However, in the back of my mind I was also thinking about how great the fuchsia vine is looking in the store during this time of year.

Once the growth cycle is over, the stems become very woody and directionless. I like the way they look. It is very hard to care for them because they need to be cut pretty often. It is also hard to water them because they are very water logged. I was thinking about how the cut tings would look next to the fuchsia figurine. It is a perennial plant so the woody stems will lay near the fuchsia. I like the placement of the two but the placement of the figurine is not as critical. It will be growing on the same strestem so it will not be too difficult to care for.


Once the growth cycle is over, the clump of stems become very wiry and stringy. It is also hard to water them or feed them. They require annual trimming and one of the Getting Great at Gardening tips is to separate the two rhizomes at the end of the season. I know someone that gets upset when she does not have a flower garden for the season but she will happily trim the rhizomes for the garden.

The plants are very unique and have lots of potential. The Payoff hydroponics system takes all the bother out of getting the nutrients and just delivers a liquid version of what is in the bottle. There is no need to feed them. They pop! into a nice little tray and that is it. Just remember to take the plastic tray out of the garden so that the growing medium does not get water logged.

The Spiderplant

I have been asked before about the spider plant and the spider pots. I gave some instances as to how and where to purchase them. I have found an excellent website where you will find lots of pictures of actual spider plants and alsohtml articlesabout them.So lets get started. I always like to start with a plan so I like to call this article the “Spiderplant 2.0” just so you catch the essence.

This is an excellent plant for the beginning gardener as far as the size of the plant is concerned. The spider plant can grow quite large if the conditions are favorable enough. I remember when I first moved into my own home about 14 years ago I was given a cutting of a spider plant from one of my gardeners that was about 3 feet tall. At the time I was only able to pot grow it into a small sized pot and that was about all I could do for it. What I have now learned is that I was only watering about one quarter of what the plant needed and that is because of the root system. I now feed it twice a week with a fish emulsion water mix and I find that the water temperature is now perfect for the plant.

This plant now cooks up dinner for my family and we can all enjoy it. What can I say, I am getting older and better!! The days and years go by and I am a grandparent. I am a man that is past grading his years at work and enjoying being a grandfather. My wife is now younger and she enjoys everything that I do just the same. I really enjoy our time together and it seems like when we are outside enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air we have time to enjoy the simpler things in life.

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