Getting somewhere With Your Own Garden

man in white t-shirt and white pants holding brown wooden stick

Why have a garden if you can always stay in it? One of the delights of Owning a Garden is that you can always stay in it.

Not everyone who owns a house and has a garden wants to stop making money. Some just want to spend their free time instead of always being broke. Really! – why?

Because one of the delights of Owning a Garden is that you can always stay in it.

And what is more wonderful than spending time in your garden preparing the next generation of herb garden plants and flowers for the next season of your beautiful herb garden.

It is not so hard.

You first want to deserve it. You have to know you have been decent to your plants. You have to know that you have tried to be. You have to know that the although you love and care for them they are still like children. They need and rely on you.

Then you must have patience. You have to have the time for it. It takes time to grow herbs in your garden. It takes time to weed your garden. It takes time to prune and harvest your herbs.

One of the best advantages of having your own home herb garden is that you don’t have to shop for the things you need every time they need. You just go to the garden center and buy the things you need. This saves you a lot of money in the long run, and it is not difficult for me to buy myedsis equipment on the internet these days.

There are three aptitude factors that are necessary for a successful garden.

One is compacting soil, another is damp soil and the third is proper drainage. This is true for any kind of garden. You may not be sure of the soil you have, so dig a few tests. Garden centers are the best place to look at this. If your soil is compacted, clay and maybe sandy, check to see what you can do to improve it. You should have sunshine, at least four hours a day, for your herbs to grow well. If you are planting in the ground you probably want about half a foot of space between your seeds.

Many people find gardening horizontally rather boring, so they are starting vertical gardens. Weeds are much easier to control in a vertical garden, so you are unlikely to see them. Planting plants close together for the vertical garden is the same – use different heights for the same row.

Perhaps you are a traditional gardener and don’t like the idea of bending over. You could grow your herbs in urns, pots and planters. Gardening in a barrel is a good way to save a few inches from the height you would otherwise need to pay for a pot.

Some herbs grow better in pots than in the ground. In a pot, the herb does not have to compete with the tree or shrub for water and nutrients. Certain herbs should always be planted in the ground , for example. Dill, coriander, dill and fennel must always be planted in the ground for best results. They do not do well in pots. They can be planted in the ground or they can be trained to grow up a structure in your garden.

Another advantage of container garden is that they are portable and can be changed out at a moment’s whim. When the weather changes or you decide you want to landscape the yard, you can quickly and easily move the pots and garden to the new look.

Some of the best plants for pots are:

· Basil· Oregano· Rosemary· Thyme· Tarragon· Mint· Sage

The containers for the plants are important for temperature control and easy access for maintenance. You should consider drainage and porosity for the herbs.

Potions and pestle and metre, thyme, mint in baskets, creeping thyme in water pots.

Larger potted plants can be placed on a level deck or porch and those pots can be moved easily. Herbs are small and take up a lot of room so planters can be cramped. A mixture of herbs in a large container will prove to be more useful and practical.

Some of the smaller herbs do not spread as fast as the larger ones and can be kept close to the kitchen. They can be harvested and frozen upon production of their leaves.

Traditionally, the kitchen herb garden was a very personal thing, contained within the kitchen itself. It was usually situated nearer the kitchen, as the sight of it was appetizing. These days, however, the windowsill or veranda is the most usual site.

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