Getting Your Yard Certified As Wildlife Habitat

This morning, the male Ruby Throated Hummingbird that sometimes comes to my feeder was there. I watched for several minutes as he explorer’ed my feeders. Yes, he was the hummingbird that sometimes frequents my feeders. I am so lucky that I have a feeder that he frequents, and of course the 2nd annual “giving out” strawberry that I preserved from last year.

Am I the only person who has ever had Ruby Throated Hummingbirds visit my yard? No, he comes to my feeders everyday of the year. Whenever I feed him, I get the distinct impression that he is looking for a new place to start his adventure. I will have to remember to keep an eye on him and see what he does around my yard.

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After logging onto the Willow Tree Service’s online site, which provides information on how to get your yard or property around therequirement of the birds, I wasAncienthuge grateful to get my yard to be certified as a wildlife habitat.

Ajumps and bouncy Birds

According to the definition of Birds, the primary requirement is access to food. There are a variety of foods that attract birds to your yard including nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, shrubs and vines. hold a variety of foods and are easy to attract, including dewflowers, goji berries, sunflowers, dipbush, mmk seeds, black-eyed susans, cardinal flowers, golden rod, hollyhocks, and milkweed.

Birds require a source of water as well as access to food. In addition, the perfect place for birds to take a break is on a bench situated near your garden with a cool drink nearby. You should also keep a birdbath available for birds to use when they feel like taking a break from the birdseed.

Another thing to consider when attracting birds to your yard is the trees and shrubs. Certain trees and shrubs attract more birds and increase nesting opportunities. Good Choices for Trees and shrubs include Ficus, Waxwing, American Maidenhair and Redbud.

Attracting Birds to Your Yard doesn’t require a lot of work but does require patience. You cannot force a bird to come to your yard but you can bring them there on your own accord. Just give them a hand and they will find a place to rest and feed. The most common way to attract birds to your feeders are:

1. Feed them in your yard.

2. Attract them with a birdbath, bird feeders, etc.

3. Keep a variety of food and water available.

4. Harvest your bounty.

5. Feed the birds.

The greatest reward for your efforts is experiencing watching the variety of birds that come to your yard to feed.

Birds can be very finicky and interfere with other birds’ feeding habits. Besides holding the line, please minimize handling of the birds or their food. Rich, moist soil provides the most food for birds but sparrows are capable of eating most anything. If you think about it, a well-maintained feeder shouldn’t be a problem.

If you have space on your property for a bird feeder, please don’t hesitate to put one up. It is very fulfilling to see these little creatures happy and healthy.

Remember when using a bird feeder, it should be clean and reserved for birds. Tie it off so that small birds aren’t tempted to feed in it. It is also good to offer pieces of fruit from trees or bushes with peels of fruit for small birds.









Your seasonal menu

If you offer pieces of fruit, sugar or nut butters carefully, you may be able to entice birds to stop eating wildlife food and come to your yard to eat. Some birds will stop eating bird feeders for that.

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