Growing Orchids Information

green plant on brown soil

Orchids have quickly become one of the most popular plants ever. Growing orchids is not as hard as once thought. One of the great lies of our ancestors was that they thought that only those who were rich could grow beautiful orchids. But, with theitious advent of science, we now know that anyone can grow beautiful orchidsright outside their houses. Orchids are no longer a mere showpiece for rich people. They are no longer reserved for the rich and influential as they used to be.

Orchids might seem to be very difficult to grow, but fortunately they are not. Most orchids sold today are so convincing that they can be grown by anyone. The first step to growing beautiful orchids is to find a variety that is suitable for your environment. It is true that orchids do vary from region to region, but there are some universal features that bring them all together. Broadly speaking, the majority of orchids do best in tropical to sub-tropical climates.

If you want to grow orchids successfully and get beautiful blooms, find orchids that come from as close of a home environment as you can. Orchids from more northern climates are most apt to bloom only once a year, while those from southern climates often bloom several times a year. Bright light is very important when growing orchids. The golden Rule of thumb with orchids is to shade them from the harsh, bright sun as much as you can.

If you’re willing to spend a little time caring for your orchid, it is possible to grow them successfully right in your own home. It is wise to buy your orchid from a reputable supplier that offers guarantees for continuous orchids on flower bulbs.

With steady care and attention, these wonderful plants can be rewarding. They can grow more than 30 feet in height, and as long as you provide them with the right type of light, water, humidity, and fertilizer, you can enjoy these exotic plants for a long time.

Lighting – For orchids, all you need is the right type of light. Direct sunlight is not advisable because it can burn the leaves of your plant. Normally, orchids require 12 hours of light during winter and about 16 hours for the summer.

Water – Orchids require more water than the majority of the common houseplant, but remember that their root system is still quick and large. They do not tolerate drought; Therefore, you will find that you are watering your orchid much, much less than most other plants. After all, orchids are not ordinary plants.

Humidity – If you are not growing your orchids in a greenhouse, humidity can be a problem. Remember that in their native environment orchids grow on tree branches, so there is a lot of air circulation, which will aid in retaining moisture. However, with a modern home environment so few of us live in pleasing environments for bees, created with a mosquito breeding driven world, it is prudent to protect ourselves and our orchids from these buzzing, gasping creatures.

Fertilizer – When choosing a fertilizer for orchids, work with a medium or blend that contains tree fern, give careful consideration to the delicate root system of the plant and the amount of nitrogen, phosphorous and potash they require. Many of the organic fertilizers available will contain nutrients ideal for orchids.

Water – If you are not growing your orchids in a greenhouse, then your orchids will probably be getting a good amount of rain water. You need to be aware of the collection of rainwater at your home. Collection can range from a bucket to full-fledged barrels under the kitchen sink. Whatever type of water you have available, use it to water your orchids gently, so as not to damage their individual root components.

These are just some of the orchid care tips that you will need to consider when growing your very own orchids. I have a full article dedicated to the care of orchidshere.

Anyone can grow orchids successfully using the skills and resources available. It is a wonderful hobby to take up and own an orchid or two. I’ve includes a photo of my current (spring) orchid below. Enjoy!

green plant on green plastic container
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