Growing Orchids – It’s Easier Than It Sounds

Orchids have longer lasting blooms than most other plants, which makes them a highly prized article to keep around the house. While it’s true that orchids require a different amount more attention than many other house plants, the care they demand is relatively easy. Lesser known species of orchids are not quite as difficult to care for as you might expect. In fact, for the most part orchids are actually rather well behaved plants.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not nearly as difficult to grow orchids as you might expect. Many of them are well suited to be grown indoors and some species can even survive in an indoor orchid greenhouse. Before you take the plunge however, it pays to know a bit about the requirements of the particular species you are interested in.

white flower with green leaves

The most essential piece of orchid information is to find the specific requirements for the specific species you have chosen. These requirements largely depend on what type of orchid you have but some of the more basic ones include the like whether the plant needs to be placed in direct sunlight, the specific humidity level the plant needs to survive well and the specific temperature the orchid prefers.

Another important piece of orchid information is to find out the orchids best climate. This would include information about the minimum temperature each orchid variety prefers during growth and the maximum temperature the plant can endure. It is important to place your orchid in the best possible conditions to ensure that it thrives naturally.

Even though growing orchids can be quite a rewarding experience with so much to learn, some orchids are just too picky. You will need to know what it takes to keep these colorful plants healthy and happy. If you are lucky, you may have a few orchids that you can share with your family. Just about any orchid can be grown successfully in an indoor environment with the right care. As you develop your own green thumb and get more confident with your ability, you can grow more and more exotic and fun plants.


If you want to be successful growing orchids indoors, the humidity required needs to be sustained. Growing tropical orchids in a dry climate may leave your plant needing moisture in a dry atmosphere. If you are not sure how to provide the humidity that your orchid needs, there are a number of ways to do it. You could use a humidifier for your plants, for instance. If your climate is rather humid, you may also want to try misting your plant once a week.


Of course, your orchid doesn’t need to be watered daily. Most tropical species prefer a dormant period in the cool season as well as during the warm season. This could be an area in your home be it your bathroom or living room. As long as the air is dry and the temperatures are moderate enough, you can go about your daily business as you normally would. Most orchids prefer to be watered sparingly every time. Look for the roots to be drenched in water to determine if you need to water. Only water when the plant is dry to the touch.


As to whatever nutrients you feed your orchid, be sure you start with what is recommended. Any nutrient that your orchid doesn’t require isn’t good for your plant. Be sure you know the type of nutrient you’re using and if it’s suitable for your orchid. The last thing you’ll do is to give your plant nutrient that it doesn’t need.

Growing orchids indoors can be rewarding but you do need to know a few basics before you begin. Now that you have some basic information, you should be able to grow beautiful orchids indoors.

selective focus photography of pink petaled flower field
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