Growing Organic Beets

tall trees

INTERESTING BEET FACTOY BEETrive the seeds into your soil early for a continuous crop.

Few vegetable crops are as versatile and as illusive as beetroot. Easy to grow and very productive, even a beginner can achieve a bumper crop.

If you are growing beets in your garden, soil should be prepared with layers of organic matter, mulch and fertilizer. Using organic mulch will conserve water and reduce weeds. Beets are particularly good to use in “Cold” areas where the ground gets little sunlight.

This root is one of the most popular vegetables grown. When the roots are just large enough to need picking, beets can be cultivated in front of or around a fence to encourage an evergreen mat of close knit plants. Place a cane in the planting hole next to the main root and, using a sharp knife, cut and peel the beet root from the bottom of the stem.

If the beet root grows too long and you want to remove it from the ground, use a garden fork to loosen it up from the ground. Cutting the beet stem on the side of the root about 2 inches above the roots, will help the plant to grow in an orderly pattern and form a tight bushy plant.

Picking the Plants

PickBeetroot varieties are all attractive and all contain edible seeds. experiencing the pleasure of growing beetroot in your garden is an enjoyable experience. The roots are most commonly cooked as a vegetable, but beetroot salads are also very popular.

Selecting plants is easy, since beetroots like warm, know-how. Seeds can be sown after the seeds are about ¼ inch deep in a two-inch deep transplantling mixture. Transplanting is ideal on warm, sunny days after the soil has warmed up. Some varieties of beetroot need to be kept in warm soil throughout the summer. If temperatures drop below 60 degrees F, the plant will stop growing and may die.


When planting beets in the garden, the seeds should be covered very lightly with soil and only the very top leaves should remain above the surface. If the packet says the seed offers pest resistance, it means that it is resistant to many different pests such as beets beetles, slugs and birds. You want to avoid planting beets near potatoes as the potato eating caterpillars can destroy the beet roots.


It is best to divide beets around two to three weeks after they have been planted. If your beets have been grafted the roots may not be big enough to be able to separate even after soaking in water for an hour. If this is the case, the roots should be cut as closely as possible to the nearest neighboring beet. If this is not done, the roots will not be able to absorb water and could decompose.

For the best beetroot production, your beets should be about two to three inches tall. If they are taller than this time the roots may get damaged and be detached.


If your soil is cold, your beet will be less likely to grow since beet roots lose moisture very quickly. Beetroot marketing is also hit and miss. Some bunches of beets may sell very well, but they are mostly gone within a few days. It is best to store your beetroot roots in a cool and dry place all winter. A good long term solution to storing roots is to tie a rubber band a couple of feet above the roots and let the earthworms do the storage for you.


Beefsteak is a very popular type of beets and comes in red and white varieties. Early Wonder is a great pick for the herb garden and is resistant to many of the diseases that other types of beets are prone to. Ruby sweeter is also a popular type of beets and comes in pink and purple.Beauty beets are colorful and a favorite of most children. They are also a good choice for the herb garden and taste great.

Varieties are listed on the back of seed packets, tin cans, plant tags or in seed catalogs. Many seed companies hold contests to find the tastiest varieties and you could end up with a prize on your plant, so choose wisely!

Hot & Spicy



chtaponics carrots are small, very tender carrots that are suitable for planting in the tarrow bed, they are very hot and spicy!



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And Many More!

There are many others that are catering to specific needs. So keep reading to find some more information on carrots.

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