Growing Perennial Gardening


If you want to have a garden that is as colourful as the summer gardens of your younger self, then you must have perennial plants. The Feng Shui of flowers is an important part of their design, so it is wise to understand why they are important and what you gain from them.

To start with, a perennial plant comes into flower for a second time in one season. The flowers, just like the fruit from your apple tree, bear beautiful flowers and bloom from spring to autumn.

Like an apple tree, a perennial plant will bear flowers for a brief period of time, but the brief period of flowering is what interests most gardeners. Whether it is for just one season or for the entire year, anybody who is serious about gardening in hopes of having a permanent garden filled with plants that are either edible or beautiful, should try growing perennial plants.

Why perennial plants?

Did you know that many perennials will survive rough treatment better than annual plants? With such a high survival rate, tender perennials can be an excellent addition to any garden, but it is not a good idea to plant a perennial, expecting that it will be there forever. Perennials need to be divided and, in most cases, it is best to do this in the spring. Simply cut back the whole stem just above the ground level. For a bush example, try cutting back the top to about half, to encourage creating a bushy new plant.

The reason why people prefer growing perennials is because they are cheap, easy to grow and extremely versatile. Unlike annuals, they will always be there for the taking. Additionally, because they are not finicky and most children’s ideal flower guests, they are an ideal way of involving their guests in the garden.

However, if you’re serious about having a garden for lasting greenery, perennial plants may not be the right choice for you. Why? Because they do not die after one season. Now a true gardener would say that is counterproductive and doesn’t show true affection for the plants. After all, who would want to invest in potting soil, fertilizer and a mulching m sprayer, only to have the same plants punched back within their first season?

Here are some suggestions for lasting perennials

When growing perennials, try to remember the seasons. By doing so, you give your plants the opportunity to survive and thrive while they can also learn something new during their lifespan. Gardening with this information in mind will ensure your garden’s success.

After dormancy, cut back the stems almost to the ground and only after they have produced new growth. If you have cacti or other plants that produce spines, do not trim them back until the spines have died. This will allow them to re-grow.

The temperate zone that you are in is an important factor when it comes to plants. If you are living in the southwest, you can have problems growing certain plants. These issues usually involve a lack of water or too much. There are plants that can deal with these extremes; however, pruning a specific plant to the ground is not the best way to handle this.

Try to focus on the nature instead of the container. The container will only hinder your plants ability to get natural water. How much natural water does a plant need? To maintain healthy plants, the soil should feel damp, not wet.

By mowing correctly, you can actually nourish your lawn instead of depleting natural resources. A healthy lawn will fight off disease. Nature, with assistance from soil growers, will heal your lawn and keep it healthy.

If you produce too much grass, you will have to remove it with a seeder. Use the seeder to create plugs of soil. They will allow the grass to grow without crowding out the tree branches.

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Your garden can be whatever you want and what ever you wear. You should put yourself in the mood to celebrate with beautiful flowers the occasion. And if you do not have an organic garden, you can always go organic. It is simple!!

Happy gardening!!

Beacon Hill House
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