Growing Plants in Your Home


Have you thought of growing plants in your home? This is a great idea to fill your house with the colors of nature. In addition, you will be adding attractive features to your home. The seasons change and plants accordingly so that they bloom throughout the year. Many people oftenescenten orchidsor flowers in their homes. You will be able to recognize these plants because of their attractive appearance. They might bea beautiful original bloom, or a beautiful hybrid.

For people who want to grow their own plants, they will need a place with sufficient sunlight. It is excellentto place them outside in the midday sun, or to place them in a window facing the east. Wherever you place them, be sure to keep them in the light for at least 12 hours a day.

If you are going to grow your plants inside your home, you will need to construct a container which has holes in the bottom. The base of the container should be lined with newspaper,tea, or cardboard. This will allow the soil to drain properly, and to avoid the plant from tipping over.

Use a soil mixture that includes peat moss and perlite or vermiculite. Combine the soil mixture with warm water. Sprinkle the soil around the roots of the plant, instead of pouring the entire contents of the container.

Plant food

Carefully pick the leaves of the plant before you actually put them in the container. Dig a hole in the container’s base large enough to accommodate the plant’s entire root system.

To help the plant thrive in its new container, put the following plants in it:

Vincas: Vincas are especially versatile plants. They are great as cut flowers and to decorate desserts. You can also grow them in pots.

Cymbidium: Cymbidiums are grown primarily for the cymbidiums’ unusual and attractive leaves. They can also be used as potted plants because they grow relatively large and have a short root system. They are sturdy plants that do not lose their leaves or tend to bleach of color.

Dendrobium: Dendrobiums are large orchids that have many hybrids. The flowers they grow are also prized for use in corsages and decorations. They can survive better when grown in smaller containers.

Cattleya: Cattleyas are popular among orchid hobbyists and are best suited for corsages. They have lovely fragrances and are relatively easy to grow.

If you want to grow orchids at home, you have several choices: choose a heavy potting mix and line it with sphagnum moss, use a bark or moss along the base of the plant then you need to add fir bark, charcoal or lava rock and mix it up with the soil mixture.

You can grow orchids from seeds and expect them to bloom within the same season. However, the orchid grower has to take care of the plant to prevent it from becoming root rot. Root rot is damaging and can kill the plant.

Watering the orchid

The watering needs of orchids are different from most plants. Most often, orchids are watered once a week. However, their growing environment is quite humid and they can absorb water from the air and from the surrounding soil. Thus, your orchid will need to be watered more frequently. Once the orchid is watered, you do not need to water it again for some days. When the climate is dry, you need to water the plant at least once a month.

How to pot orchids

There are several factors that you need to consider when re-potting your orchids. Generally, potting mediums are not advisable. Instead, tree bark can be used. If you want your orchids to be potted in a really attractive pot, then you should use a combination of tree bark and charcoal. Another good potting medium is chopped fir bark.

If you want to be really creative, then you can use cements and rocks. If you have to use a clay pot, then you should line it with plastic and this will help to keep the soil and moisture inside the pot. The plastic will protect the clay pot for the orchid to sit on. On top of this, you can use lava rock.

Remember that dealing with soil and watering is a battle. Thus, you should arm yourself with knowledge and try to gain some confidence from battling your orchid diseases.

person in blue denim jeans and blue shoes walking on brown dried leaves during daytime
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