Hanging Gazebo Bird Feeders and Bird Houses

man in white shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on brown rock in front of body

Having bird feeders and bird houses in your garden will attract many species of birds to your yard, including hummingbirds which are a popular bird to watch. But the benefits go beyond just admiring the birds. Planting a variety of plants, flowers, shrubs and trees can provide food and shelter for a variety of wildlife throughout the spring, summer and fall. When a structure is completed properly it becomes a natural food and shelter supply for many species of birds.

One of the most common bird uses for structures is their nesting areas. Hanging bird feeders will provide a steady supply of food needed for breeding birds. Birds will need shelter from the elements and from predators. A hanging gazebo bird feeder with attached stands will provide both. Some hanging gazebo bird feeders have a ground level feeder and some are designed with a lower shelf in the back. Takashi Bush dollies are a favorite of Japanese bird enthusiasts and are popular in hanging feeders. These are self contained units that hang low to the ground and can be moved anywhere as needed.

Tsunami Feeders are similar to the hanging feeders but they are mounted on a frame with legs. The bigger versions have a place to hang a feeder and a tray with birdseed on a hanger. Climbing varieties of birds will use this area to perch and wait their turn before eating the birdseed. smaller birds may fatten up on here by burying their food in the same hanging container. Climbing varieties of birds will quickly make a mess on the perch but smaller birds will have a more difficult time due to the fact they are unable to fly or fall from the feeder.

The internet is a great source of information about birds and other wildlife. You can find great deals on wild bird food and general bird supplies online. This year the bald eagle is striking in our area with their alert and speedy courtship of the female. The visual beauty of the bald eagle is enhanced by their calls of “Sala!” and “Sala!” Yes, they have a pretty sound to them.

Backyard Feeders

Great inexpensive bird feeders are rice hulls or flush-oil cans. Cracked corn containers make great bird feeders for the birds who want to build their nests right on your deck or balcony. Some birds will even eat these little porcelain beetles.

Place a sturdy branch or trellis directly in front of the bird feeder. This will act as a support for the birds as they start learning how to fly and hunt. Never use wire to hold the birds’ nests together. The wire will damaged the birds fragile wings.

Some birds will build their nests in a messy area of the yard. Maybe under some shrubbery or out of a window where they will be able to build a nest. Some birds will even build a nest in the pile of leaves left after they have eaten the leaves of their favorite plant. Birds will not be attracted to these areas as there are few insects living in these areas.

Some birds prefer to build their nests in a bird bath that is accompanied by some bird seed. Birds love these items and will tend to stop by at these locations.

Decorative Tots

Birdhouses come in all different shapes, sizes, and styles. Choosing the proper birdhouse or bird feeder is important as these items can be noticed by the birds. There are many different styles of designs including a Modern style house with built-in cupboards, a Victorian style house with gingerbread moldings, or a post and rafter style house built of wood. Any of these will work well as a bird house.

As you can see, bird houses can be a fun and decorative way to place your bird feeders and bird baths. Place your bird feeders in areas where you can see them and enjoy watching the birds. Leaving a feeder or two around is a great way to observe the birds without disturbing them. Some birds will even bathe in birdbaths.

In the winter, bird Supplemental Feeders will be a handy tool for keeping birds fed throughout the winter months as some birds have begun to disappear during the cold weather.

I hope this article motivates you to purchase and enjoy a bird friendly home and garden.

green plant in white pot
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