Home Preventing Disease In The Blueberry Patch


There are times that we wonder about the four-year old plants in the nursery nursery. Have they been exposed to pesticides or violators, either through carelessness or velocity?

We all deal with plants in time and dose what is appropriate. On the other hand, I’ve seen many bushes four years and older that have beenPoor, weak and mistreated.

Try to Prevent Disease

One line of defense is prevention. Soil rich in nutrients, (drained light-bodied soil) supply a healthy environment for the plants and their living friends.

Each plant is a source of life and health. By nursing and fortifying these helpful lives, we insure a better future for generations. We will be healthier, wiser and more effective in tending to our plants and have the best . Deep water culture is a system of gardening that will provide the ultimate health and strength to your plants.

There are several ways to start your deep water culture system.

There are systems that don’t include a pond.

You can make a system that does include a pond, but you have to protect it from the critters. Pond control is just that, it prevents the formation of algae and inhibits the spread of disease.

Another option is to purchase a ready made system and save a few dollars. These tend to be the basic types. They come with a foam base, plant holder, plugs or feet, and a pump. three or four plants will soon grow in the water, even in a small pond.

A more advanced system is called a swan neck. It is a flexible tube that isackers filled with water or milky goo which acts as a barrier to stop the algae. It might be necessary to change the solution about every two or three weeks.

If, however, you’re like me and just want to run the system on its own, with no maintenance, simply hook up a garden hose to the main line and let the water rise out of the pond. Each time you have a rain, the system will Transpire the water out of the bottom of the pond and collect it in a reservoir to Repeat again until the pond is filled up.

Now if your neighbours don’t like this system, that’s a whole other can of worms.

If you decided to try a homemade veg patch, use left over yogurt, (with added nutrients), potting mix or mulch, and of course your worms.

I have also read thatescent lighting does not effect the growth of thyme.

Check out the SUN imprints in your garden.

If they are not bright then use incandescents.

Then watch the herbs.

They will be beautiful.

Which type of lighting do you use?

Do you use incandescents?

Use solariums, they work great.

There is nothing better than the taste of home grown herbs.

Give it a try.

Keep a roof over your pond.

This will protect your herb garden from slugs and snails.

A floating row cover is another necessity.

some good potting soil to use is half peat half ground up chicken manure.

Perlite and vermiculite are super important because they keep the roots cool.

A misting can prevents the mold from growing.

Snails won’t attack your potting soil so why not add a few to your planting soil as well.

One way to prevent mold is to spray the containers weekly with water and diluted bleach.

Rosemary, thyme and mint, when they get a especially large plant, can be a shock to the system and break off stems and leaves.

I’ve had a seal of philodendron on my kitchen window so I can’t forget about it. Half way through the season I removed it with a pair of scissors. It was during that time I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I thought I would do better to take it out before I decided to take it in a new direction. It has created a very harmonious relationship with the other pots on our patio. The deep pots have loosened and the spacing has been adjusted to my needs.

Now when I’m cooking with friends, I will have these other pots all ready for them. And of course, my husband can always find a reason to get out there and find a pot of something to do besides look or smell or taste.

So, you see, it’s a good idea to take your containers into consideration when you are putting together a container garden.

You wouldn’t go to the store and buy an herb article with 6 choices, would you? You would need to choose at least three.

green and red plant on white wooden fence
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