How to Correctly Identify Different Types of Orchid

green and brown leaves on gray steel rack

Of the many thousands of different species of orchids that exist throughout the world, Cymbidium Orchids are one of the most popular. It’s not hard to see why specific types of orchids match certain colors. These plants produce lots of beautiful blooms with a vast array of different colors. In addition to being popular among enthusiasts, these orchids are also a favorite of professional growers. With the proper care, Cattleya orchids can be grown successfully at home.

First, you’ll need to determine which type of orchid you want to grow. There are roughly three different types, namely, Terrestrial, Epiphyte and Lithophyte. Terrestrial orchids grow in loose soil, similar to most other kinds of plants. Epiphytes would be more similar to tree roots, with their thick branches rubbing against each other. They also gather nutrients from the air and elements in the soil. Lastly, lithophytes are similar to the type of orchids that grow on rocks. They take their nutrients from rain water, nutrients in the soil and even decomposing leaves.

Once you’ve decided which type of orchid you want, you’ll need to get your orchid seeds. If you’ve decided on the Epiphyte type of orchid, it will help if you know the type of growing environment you have. If it is in a dry climate, you will need to provide a steady source of water such as a saucer or tray. Orchids love water, but this can become uncomfortable for them if their roots are too wet. You can also create a humidifier by placing them on a tray filled with moist pebbles. The orchids will not be able to get enough nutrients from the pebbles, but the addition of moisture will help.

For normal orchids on the other hand, dry soil will not cut it. They will need plenty of organic nutrients, especially phosphorus. You can achieve this with certain fertilizers. Orchids can be grown successfully in organic soil and also in a mixture of peat and tree fern fiber. Orchids do quite well in growing medium that is made up of tree fern fiber, coconut husk, perlite, charcoal, and even styrofoam. Again, you can place these in a tray, or right in the soil. This is because they do not take long to decompose.

If you are still experiencing problems with the leaves of your orchids, then you will do well to remove them so that they do not block the alternative light that they need. The more leggy your orchid is, the more frequent you’ll have to do this. If this happens, do not worry. Simply cut away the leaves that are too leggy. Another option is to not water them too much. This can be especially useful to those who are away a lot. Orchids do not need much water, but they must not be drowned either. Again, you’ll have to determine what it is that’s making this problem happen. If it is a lack of humidity, you will need to mist the leaves more often. If it is too much moisture that is the problem, you will need to remove the humidity. If you are experiencing a light décor problem, then you may have to increase the humidity. There are products out there that can be used to increase the moisture levels, such as humidity trays or water sprayers.

The season in which you are growing your orchids is also a factor in which lighting is important. Most orchids need a certain amount of light to live. It will be different for each variety, but as a general rule, in the winter the cool orchids such as ferns and cymbidiums need less light. Then, in the summer the orchids such as phalaenopsis and cattleyas will need more light. You will be able to determine which orchids need more light based solely on the type of plant that you are growing.

If you are trying to grow orchids at home, you will have to become familiar with the amount of light that is required for your particular variety of plant. This will guide you in choosing the type of orchids that will thrive at your home. orchids typically require 12 hours of light on a daily basis. This number will have to be adjusted during the hotter months of the year. Most orchids will do fine with this much light, but it is important for you to research the needs of your plant.

Watering orchids is also a major factor in how to care for orchids. Generally, these plants do not require too much water.

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