How to Select the Best Pots For Orchids


There is a lot of confusion regarding what to choose when buying orchid pots. If you get this wrong, it could mean that your new plant may not survive. There are some factors to consider, so that you can purchase the proper pots. Find the right pot and you can look forward to having an magnificent orchid.

Size of Your Pots

The pot really isn’t an important consideration for orchids. However, you need to know if it is going to be big enough to accommodate the roots of the plant as it matures. Your orchid must also be able to thrive in the pot. If you purchase the wrong size pot, you will harmful your plant. It also means that you will need to repot. Find the proper pot size for your plant and your orchids will do just fine.

Material of Your Pots

Big pots are generally made of attractive and porous materials. This is important because in order to absorb important nutrients, wood must be the best choice. You will find that most bamboo pots are porous. They are good, but you have to be careful.

Some people use clay pots instead of wood. They are cheaper than bamboo, but they tend to be harder to dig in. The porous material will allow the water to be washed out, as opposed to pooling water in the pot. However, you do not want your roots to be too wet. You will find that plastic pots work rather well.

Type of Grow Lights

Your orchids will need to be able to grow under grow lights. Fluorescent lights are an excellent choice. You can look for models that are adjustable as well. This means that you can place them at different levels. They will help to regulate the amount of light that the orchid gets. This means that you will be able to grow the perfect orchids with ease.

It is important to create a schedule for the amount of light your orchids need. You can use a timer, motion sensor or just one of those brightness timers that you get in the spice aisle. It is just another way to manage what your orchids get.

Watering Schedule

The watering schedule will be different for orchids that are epiphytes and those that are terrestrial. The low light orchids will need less water than those that grow in the shade of a tree. This is because the orchids do not have a hardpan or hard covering that calcium and other nutrients can leach out. Watering at night is a common mistake for many people. You need to water your orchids at least once a week. Watering early in the morning is best as it will give the roots time to dry out during the day which will prevent diseases.

orchid pot

The size of the container your orchids are kept in will determine the type of pot you need. It is always a good idea to buy a larger pot than what you think you will need. This way you will be able to prepare it accordingly to the type of orchid you are repotting. If you are repotting under a larger plant, you may want to consider purchasing a selection of pots that are deeper and wider than what you have.

Potting mixture

There are different potting mixes available. It is best to choose one that is recommended for your type of orchid. There are some good ones from your local garden store. However, you can prepare your own potting mix. You will need to do so with soil and a few pieces of fertilizer. If you are repotting on a table, use black polystyrene instead of wood.


A sweeper is a very small tool that uses an action to start off the process of removing the weeds. Sweeper can be used to clean any dead material and particles. This will remove the spindly growth of the weeds.


The best time to water your orchids is during the morning. This will allow the leaves to dry before night time. However, if your plants are not in a pot you can water them throughout the day. You should not water the foliage in the evening unless you are sure that your orchids are dry. Watering your plants in the evening may cause the roots to retain water which can cause the plant to rot.

This is a useful tip for getting the best results from all your orchid care. Following these orchid care tips will help you to be able the best orchid grower around.

yellow flower in macro lens
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