Lime Lawns – Sweet and Sour

trees on snow covered ground during daytime

Oh what a sight when you turn a corner and there in front of you is this absolutely beautiful yard. Almost makes you want to smile, then your get to your yard and then you become a little, um, depressed? We all want a beautiful yard and we do the best we can but sometimes overlook what can be done to help make the yard even more beautiful.

Learning about the lime process is important because you want to make sure you get what is called ‘Lime Oil’ and not just vinegar. This is the real deal, and its what makes the difference between a beautiful lawn and a great lawn. To get the best results, you need to use this product when the weather is hot and the grass is growing vigorously. This is when the grass can easily absorb the nutrients and the grass will be healthier and have a stronger life.

So, you have acidic soil, not too acidic and not too much acidity. How can you change? For those people who have the answer, I’m sure they’re probably already well aware of the importance of making changes. For others, making it simpler, you can add lime to the lawn.

The process is simple. After you’ve removed the sod, dig a hole in the ground with a trowel or spade about 6 inches deep and empty the lime oil in the hole. Put the dirt back, placing the sod right next to the hole and the lime oil on top of the dirt. You will need to repeat this process every 6 inches all around your lawn. For slightly bigger areas that you need to cover, you will shovel the dirt and top with a layer of soil and lime.

For those looking to minimize work, this process can be done in one continuous line along a length of 20 feet. It is only one way to make your lawn healthier, but it works very well. I’ve noticed through trial and error that this process makes a significant difference in the quality of the lawn.

The soil test is simple. You pull a sample of the soil from your lawn with a soil test kit and send it to your local extension office for testing. You then get a few nice flat packets with information about the soil and a test kit. The information you gather from this test will let you know what condition your soil is in and what if anything you need to add to make it more hospitable to growing grass.

The next thing you need to consider in making your choice of lime is the pH of the soil. The pH is a measure of the amount of acidity or alkalinity in the soil. A pH of 7 is neutral ground, while numbers below 7 are acidic. Some areas of the country have extreme fluctuations in pH. This is why you need to have your soil tested. You need to know what type of soil you have and what items you should add to keep it alkaline or acidic.

This is where knowing your soil type is important. The soil pH will help you determine what types of lime you will need to add to your soil. There are many products on the market to help alkaline soil and they are available in a variety of different combinations. Again, you can send in a sample to your local extension office or you can buy them online.

If your soil is overly alkaline, you can use a product called Rose worthy to bring the pH down to the proper level. You should contact your local extension office for information on how to obtain this product.

If your soil is overly acid,Nativeelin offers a powder made from ground-up beetles that will help to raise the acidity in your soil. You can apply this powder during the fall or winter months. You might also want to consider a fertilizer with a high percentage of acidity such as Urea.

Something else to consider is the type of grass you have. There are bluegrasses and fine fescues that are acid soils, while others are alkaline. There are many factors to consider when you are attempting to alter the pH of your soil, including the type of grass you have and the type of soil you have.

The pH of your soil is very important to your lawn and garden and can mean everything from controlling weeds, to deciding just how much fertilizer you will use, to where you will plant your garden. If you want to keep reading, the article is now at its conclusion.

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