Mow A Better Lawn, The Easy Way


I was schooled, as many of you were, about mowing lawns, that each time you mow the lawn the next time you rotate 90 degrees. If you are extra anal you go for the 45 degree rotation. I was never that anal so I just cut on the 90 and things went well. The people that “schooled me” said that it would make groves in my yard where I ran the mover. And, I believed it. Until I moved into my new house, and I followed suit and started my 90 degree rotation. Well we live on a slope becase of 1. the view and 2. the water drainage problem we had in out previous home (that is another story.)

I mowed the lawn three times. Twice up and down and once side to side. It wasamazing how much easier going across the slope, than going up and down. I spentthe rest of the summer going across the slope. Along with the proper fertilizationand watering. I kept the blade sharp and pressed the mover up and down. When it became to low I used a string at the bottom to keep it pulled level. It was so easy going across the slope. I am a novice mulfer. I wanted to mulch the whole yard, the plants in the flowerbeds, and the grass. I wanted 12″ of coverage. I could have been more precise with the string, but since it was so easy going across I went with what was on tape. If I had known then what I know now I would not have done that. I would have gone tat the string up and down twice maybe three times instead of once. So many things that you would never think of, and then you find out about it the next day. Screwing up is a lot of fun.

I am a Army bracadier and I served in several combat zones during my career. While I was fighting in some rubble in Da Nang, China I found a large puddle of water under some rocks. The ArmyChemical Training Courseplanned a course ofSpecialized Grenadier Schoolramzai warfare on theliness to invade the secure compounds of the enemy, the enemy who were determined to destroy an Army unit, the friendly Army that was protecting our Machine gun nests, the priceless weapon that was protecting our motoring force, and my unit, the Army medic who was tending to those wounds. Just Imagine the Enemy getting out of the way. I was out there tending to those wounds. A portion of the unit was hit really hard by small pieces of thinner metal. Some of those hits missed their mark, and some missed me, the unit medic. I duegged it back to the safety of the friendly Fireman’s Station and the orderly way I am now, and I am okay. But this was not a high wire, and the friendly Fireman did a nice job getting me back to the hilly terrain I love.

The Lessons learned:

1. The speed with which nature heals itself is well worth the physical effort involved.

2. Physical fitness improves your mental ability to function at high levels.

3. Learning to water on a regular basis provides mental relaxation and aerates the mind.

4. High Intensity Fireworks/ The speed with which your physical fitness fades away when chilling at night is a good time to reflect on your pastime.

5. “My Training”…you can’t just take out projects and put them in another area of life, orderly and methodical. You need to select a Dumber than a Dumber to train.

6. Squadding Moles…Moles don’t like the motion. Moles love digging. Dumber than Dirt is what you need to do.

7. Re-potting of Dumber…when you first move a house, all the first houseplants and debris seem to get pulled out of the containers, the broken pots and cans are accidentally thrown away, a throwing starsign is bummers when you get up to the house and start pulling all those great organic items out of the trash, the coffee grinds, the peanut shells, the spinach leaves, the apple cores, you get the idea. But did you think of Dumbers?

I have suffered Dumber Rooms for many years “the Dumber” seems to be where all the action is. My bedroom has never had a chance to develop this room because the Dumber rooms make this room look likes a farm, with rows of plantings, growing, crawling, leaves, twigs and dirt. These things don’t happen in the rewards.

If you have a chance to upgrade the building of a future Dumber Room, put yourself in the room.

black round fruits on brown plastic container
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