Orchid Growing Tips – Anybody Can Do

Growing indoor orchids is such a fulfilling activity for everybody that is why using some of the most effective orchid growing tips can make this activity even more enjoyable and easier to do even for beginners like you. When these plants are taken cared and maintained well, you can expect a lot of vibrant looking blooms in less time.

These orchid growing tips can be of little use if you’re not able to follow it diligently. It is important that you give so much emphasis on every little detail about these exotic plants to produce more blooming flowers inside your home from time to time. It is best to know the specific plants needs and requirements to be able to produce more plants inside your home.


One of the most important orchid growing tips to consider is to know the type of orchids you are growing inside and how often you need to water them. Most of the time, orchid growers tend to kill these plants by over watering them. Aside from knowing its needs, you need to also consider the particular variety of orchids you are buying.

Aside from knowing the orchid type, you also need to consider the potting medium you are using. Keep in mind that a good potting medium will help your orchid reach its full flowering potential. These components are vital whether you are growing orchids indoors or outdoors.

One part of the orchid growing tips that is very vital is to be patient. Growing orchids is like any other wish list exercise. You can’t expect to see results immediately. You might feel as if your orchids are flourishing right away, but this is not the case. It takes patience and experience to become skilled in growing orchids.

The best way to grow orchids is to start off using artificial lights. Fluorescent lights are considered as one of the best artificial lights for orchids. Keep in mind that fluorescent light is not actually heat source so you need to think about this particular matter. If you are using artificial lights and they are too close to your orchids, they can cause harm to the plant. This type of light can’t be directly exposed to the sun’s rays so you need to find a place where it can be exposed to bright sunlight.

It is best to water your orchids once a week. Be careful not to over-water them though because this can kill your plants. Generally, orchids can survive with moderate amount of water. You just need to water them regularly. One way to know if you are over watering them is your leaves will start to turn yellow.

Orchids love a generous amount of fertilizer. You can use either organic or synthetic fertilizer for your plant. Allow your organic fertilizer to decompose at least for a month or so before using it. If you don’t use the right kind of fertilizer, you can end up with a dead plant and wash your hands of its terroons.

It is also a good idea to prune your orchids when needed. You need to know the right time to prune. For most orchids, they are pruned just before the new growth. You need to know the particular type of orchid you are growing so that you can prune at the right time and season.

Keep in mind that slugs and snails love orchids. Therefore, you should remove the fallen or scattered discolored parts in your orchid so that you won’t have to deal with them.

The orchid growing tips that are mentioned above are enough to get you started with your own exotic orchid plants. There are still orchid growing tips that you can use when growing a specific type of orchid plant. Keep these orchid growing tips in mind so you will be more assured of your successful orchid growing.

white flowers with green leaves
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