Orchid Pots – Which Container Is Right For You?

Orchid pots come in many different forms and for many people the choice of container is not even considered, however that is not true and your choice of pot can actually have quite a bit of impact on your orchid. Containers can actually be chosen to suit the process of watering, the type of growing area or where you place your orchid and the style of your garden.

In domestic environments orchids are usually grown in plastic pots. These are very cheap and you can buy them quite easily. However, they will deteriorate quickly and become brittle over time unless you use some sort of acidic soil or fertilizer. When you are growing your orchids in these containers you need to think about where you are going to place your orchids. They need to be in a place where the roots are protected from tap water and insects like to dry them out by not letting them sit in the water. They need to be situated a little above the ground to keep the soil dry and to stop the roots from rotting.

white petaled roses on white concrete pillar

,, the best way to prepare your orchid for it’s new pot, is to put some coarse gravel in the bottom of the pot and then fill it with smaller grit. This will allow some air to circulate around the roots and will stop the growing medium from being packed and heavy. If you just throw some organic compost on the growing medium, you will find that air circulation is not sufficient for optimal growth.

On very small plants like aphids will do very well on the growth medium of course, but you need to be concerned that the surround around the roots will keep soil moist. On larger plants the surround should be sufficient to keep the roots moist but not wet.

If you are not going to change the growing medium for the season all you need to do is to empty the old pot and put fresh potting medium in. Then when you are ready you can start with the repotting. Orchid repotting takes courage, so it is better to try to do it when you are not under any pressure and will be able to deal with the plant in a relaxed state.

What you should do:

When you are changing the growing medium, first you should gravel the old medium and mix it with new soil. If you are going to reuse the same pot, then you should gravel the inside of the old pot before repotting. Keeping a small amount of lime in the home is a good idea when working with orchids.

Orchids like being very humid so if you are going to repot you need to supply some water to the mixture you are going to use. On the other hand feeding the plant should be avoiding and is probably best avoided altogether. If you decide to feed the plant, use orchid food such as pellets. Never just feed orchids water-soluble fertilizer.

The growing medium you use in repotting is going to be wetter than the surrounding soil. The bark has a tendency to be kind of dry on the surface so it is really up to the plant, which is why it is good to use some kind of absorbent to the root ball so the roots will be able to get what they need. If you are repotting on a regular basis you can just mist the plant and it will be just fine.

After you have done all of these steps the plant is placed in a somewhat bigger pot and is ready for its new home.

Orchids are exceptional plants that are versatile. They can be grown in many different places and the flowers will always be attention-getters. Always make sure you are helping the pollination process by either having some sort of plant furniture or lots of potted plants. Orchids will always be there for you – be one of the intelligent orchid growers and help your friend to grow into a beautiful orchid person.

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