Pruning a Bonsai

bridge over snow covered mountain

Pruning a bonsai is a fairly straight forward process whether you are training it to be a dwarf tree or formally training it as a wanted piece of art. It is not particularly difficult to prune a bonsai if you have the right tools and experience.

Pruning bonsais is all about removing dead and damaged branches so that the tree continues to grow properly. If we are dealing with a standard bonsai then we will look at the basic pruning technique which is the pinch and if we are dealing with a workshops bonsai then we will look at the specialty skills that the bonsai artist will need.

The Perfect Pinch

What we would normally do to remove a small branch is to pinch it off. Next, to tell if a branch is alive or dead is to check its bark. If the bark of the branch is green then it is alive however if the bark is brown or grey then it is dead. Usually, dead branches are found at the base of the branch so if you don’t want to disturb the tree at this point, it is always a good idea to remove it. This will also be about one third of the height of the tree.

A dead branch is one that will not bend or bend easily and will snap off. There are other tell tale signs that a branch is alive. The branch will have a diameter that is in a Trendosition and the area under the branch will have a new growth. The bark of the branch may appear to be cracked or behatted. Another way to tell if the branch is alive is to lean it upright in your hand. If the branch is still alive, then it is still alive.

Formal training for bonsai involves wiring. With wiring, you are creating an image of the tree in your mind. This is done by choosing trunks, branches and foliage to represent different parts of the tree. The trunk is the heart of the bonsai; it is the foundation of the tree and the subject of our concentration. We want to represent each trunk with shadow due to the fact that the trunk is the most vertical area of the bonsai. There are different styles of training for bonsai. Some like to have the tree grow slantally along the left side of the trunk while others want the branches to grow in the opposite direction. This is where the wiring comes in.

With wiring, we can simulate various poses that we may find when we are looking at a bonsai tree. Some styles that are better to represent a tatty tree include the cascade, the cascading, the lean, the leaning forward, backward, and the semi cascade. There are other styles that we can choose from such as the forest and the open.

Pruning is for removing dead branches and branches that are not contributing to the development of the plant. If the branches are there, they should contribute to the overall shape of the bonsai. branches that are blocking the wind and those that are growing up to the edge of the pot are some of the types of branches that should be removed. Some styles of pruning include pinch and scissors for smaller branches and branches that are growing to the trunk, the branches that are overlapping the trunk are also removed.

Pruning also includes the removal of unwanted branches by wiring them into your chosen style. It would be an mistake to remove too many branches and we want to maintain the shape of the bonsai. For the branches that are not wired, removing them from the bonsai will not help the plant to remain healthy. These branches remain and may even become a nuisance to remove once they are alive. However, it is better to leave one branch than to have to take out an entire branch.

Once the bonsai is pruned, it is necessary to retain the azalea bush so that it does not lose the nutrients that it has consumed from the soil. This could be done with copper wires that are tied to the branches that you want to keep. Watering the plant every two to three days helps to keep in the moisture and prevent drying.

When pruning the bonsai, it is important to remember not to cause any permanent damage to the tree. The best way to prune the tree is to find any branch that looks unhealthy and remove that branch. If you choose to care for the tree, you can see to it that the tree is not host to any pests or bugs. You want to keep the tree free of dead or diseased wood and bugs will take care of that part of the bonsai.

black and white bug on green leaf
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