Spring Time, Time To Start A Garden

It’s April, the sun is shining, and there is this sudden feeling of panic in your body, its gardening season once again upon us! Yes there is snow outside and it is too cold to work outside but the weather is turning favorable and the itch is starting all over my body. I start the day with a cup of coffee and a couple of juices and then head down to the local nursery for my gardening supplies. Here inetting outside is the best time to start planting any plants that you may want in your garden such as flowers, shrubs, vegetables, and everything. You need to start making notes on what type of weather each area has during different times of the year and the growing season.

When I walk into the nursery, I see my to-do list and to-get-ments list and I struggle to get my act together just to get started! So the first thing I tackle is the assortment of gardening supplies. I visualize the layout I want and how I want it to look. I then check the bin at the back of the store to see what items I have and if needed add them then! It is then that I take a break and decide to do some rearranging. I grab a few colors to see what stays and what I should maybe consider buying a couple of other items.


I grab some scissors and a pack ofPreserving earthfor tiny starts. I have several small greenhouses that I have converted to winter storage for my colder greenhouse plants. I would prefer to keep these out of the rain and frost. I would like the extra space for starting my own little greenhouse.

I Taste My scholars

During this time of year my grocery store is usually untouched comprising of a large variety of foods. There is nothing that I would rather have on my plate than a tomato freshly picked from the vine. I have become a very devoted gardener all because I would rather save money and have fresh food.

My children are having a hard time staying out of the house because we have been hit by seven feet of snow. They don’t know what they are supposed to be doing any more. I sometimes wish I had a snow job to keep those kids warm.

Now is a good time to start getting those seeds and plants out of the dormant state and into the ground. Make sure you do it before the first freeze. It is always a good idea to find items that can be dehydrated or preserved in a medium and are able to be planted directly into the ground without being frozen first.

One of the most important survival tips I have learned is this: survive by growing food you can preserve long-term, store, and preserve photosynthesis is the ability to store starches, sugars, and other carbohydrates. That is the deep freeze that people often experience. However, carbohydrates can be stored indefinitely and used when the food is in the ground. Hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen are stored as well. Photosynthesis is the ability of plants to use the energy they have created during the day to transform carbon dioxide into sugar. That is why it is important to plan for winter to be able to eat from the garden.

Growing a garden is more about planning and achieving success. Small projects can be harvested and put into the garden to monitor their progress and successes. It is about learning from mistakes and frustrations and not being discouraged. The important thing is not to get too down, get too worried, or stress the issue. relax and enjoy the fewLess precipitate death and issues.

Finally, remember to share your experiences. I truly look forward to reading your articles and posts. Please feel free to contact me with any questions,positions,or shares.

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