The 3 Main Types of Orchid Types


There are many different types of orchids in the world, but only three main types. Those three orchids can be found on three separate plants that were found in the wild. Those three orchids will be found in one of three different climate zones. Those three orchids go along with one of the three groups of orchids. Those are Terrestrial, Epiphyte, and Lithophyte orchids.

The different type of orchids can be broken down to these basic groups.


Terrestrial orchids are one of the most popular type of orchids. This type of orchids grows on the ground, like most plants. Although they grow on the ground, some terrestrial orchids like to hang on trees or rocks. They use the organic nutrients that they get from the air and the soil or their “host” plant to live and grow.

The most common terrestrials found in the wild areassa glauca,assa humata, andassa loddigula.


You will find the most common types of epiphytes orchids in the tropics. You may also find them in more northern climates. They use the thin vines of their “moorings” to anchor themselves to rocks or trees. The core of the vine then absorbs water and nutrients through the medium.

The most common epiphytes orchids are vandas, cymbidiums, dendrobiums, and phalaenopsis.


Lithophytes grow on rocks. Their big, showy flowers use to grow on the stones and are found in the countries of Japan and Australia. You will also find lithophytes growing on the trunks and branches of trees. They use the organic nutrients falling from the branches or from the trunks of the trees, like their natural food.

They are just called that way because they grow on exposed surfaces, much like how plants grow above ground. Their roots are only visible on the surface of the stone or tree.

Orchids may also be compared to zantedeschia, cattleyas, and cymbidium because they have the same type of root system. The only difference is that orchids have a closed structure while cattleyas and cymbidiums have a more open structure.


When growing cattleyas, it is important to remember that they are low maintenance plants. That means that they are not terribly finicky plants. But this also means that they are not going to be very happy in an environment that is too hot or too dry. They are finicky plants, but if you can handle the humidity then they are nice plants to grow.

Terrestrial plants are much preferred by most orchid enthusiasts because they are easy to grow. They like to grow in soil, but they can also grow on bark of trees. Some terrestrial orchids can even grow on snow. Those types of orchids are harder to grow.

Lithophytes orchids do not need much soil to grow. They sometimes do not need fertilizer during growth season. There are some examples of lithophytes that include sal ammonium and thiopene.

Terrestrial orchids are more preferred for beginners because they are easy to grow and they are less likely to be harmed by pests or by the elements.

Even though they are not very showy, they can be the backbone of an orchid collection. They can be grown in the same pots as Cymbidiums and Dendrobiums. Both of those orchid types will thrive in the same conditions.

However, they will grow more slowly and their flowers will be smaller. You can use the growing kits for these easier-to-grow orchids.

For Dendrobium orchids, it is better to grow them indoors. Since the plants are grown in Asia, they tend to be tropical. If they are Put outside, they will probably catch a cold from the humidity.

Weather conditions can also be a problem. Yet, some orchids are able to grow even in a very cold environment. They have been known to grow in the freezing temperature range, such as the Himalayan snowflake.

If you want to have orchids in your home, choose durable orchids that can last you a long time. You should also consider the budget you have to spend. Tons of orchids are available, but if you are tight on money you will be able to find some affordable orchids.

One great way to decorate your home or garden is with orchids. They are fun to grow and look great.

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