The Advantages Of Growing Upside Down Tomatoes

Tomatoes are very good and very healthy. We practically use them in almost everything we eat. We use them in salads and we use them a lot when we are cooking. At times it is very difficult to find very ripe and fresh tomatoes in supermarkets, stores, and even at the market. Most people have now restored to growing their own tomatoes. Growing upside down tomatoes has become very popular and a lot of people are doing it. This is due to the numerous advantages of growing tomatoes upside down. Let me firstly explain how it is done and what is needed in order to grow fresh tomatoes upside down then we can go through the advantages and benefits.

You will need preferably a round bucket with a lid and or a structure similar to a bucket which you use. You will also need a wire or a structure to hold and support the bucket and the tomatoes of course. You will also need to make some holes in the under side or the bottom of the bucket for watering. You will need to drill holes on the on sides of the bucket. You then will mix you soil in the bucket and plant the tomatoes plants from the side with the stems hanging out. In a nutshell it is planting and growing tomatoes in a bucket that is upside down.

three black labeled bottles

The advantages of doing this are:

Healthier and juicer tomatoes-The tomatoes that you will produce will be much healthier, juicer, and tastier. Upside down grown tomatoes will be fresher, much bigger, and succulent then ordinary tomatoes.

No Staking- There will be no need for staking the tomato and the tomato plant since they will be hanging from the planter. So you do not need to worry or waste your time supporting them and building a structure for them. The planter hanger is all you will need.

Pests- Pests can be a huge nuisance and they cause serious problems for you and the tomatoes but fortunately since the tomatoes will not be in the ground and they will be up in the air you will not have to worry about soil borne pests, slugs, and other insects.

Diseases- The same applies to disease since the tomatoes will not be on the ground or planted in the ground all those soil borne diseases there will be less or no disease which will affect your tomatoes. Also due to the annual replenishment of the soil problems of soil borne diseases is greatly reduced.

Better Air Circulation- There is improved and much better air circulation since the tomatoes and the tomato plants will be hanging and it will be suspended in the air. Better air circulation means better and improved pollination and this leads to fewer rot problems and higher yields.

Weeds- Your tomato plant will be planted and exposed to less soil and this greatly reduces the effect of weeds. There will be no need for weeding because the weeds will not be able to grow.

Location- The great thing about upside down tomatoes is that you can practically grow them anywhere. So whether you live in an apartment building, flat, or wherever you can simply hang the plants from your patio or balcony window. So you can get to your patio or balcony window and pick a fresh vegetable directly from your own backyard.

Convenience, Space and time- You will not only save space but you can also grow tomatoes in a much smaller area than usual. So if you are living in a small apartment you can grow upside down tomatoes and if you have a small patio it is easy to grow the plants there. All you need to do is ensure that the tomatoes that you have are upside down.

These are just some of the advantages of growing upside down tomatoes. There is no doubt that you should give it a try.

purple flower bud in close up photography
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