The Bonsai Basics – No Bonsai Beginners

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One of the most important things about growing a bonsai is time. You can’t really understand bonsai care until you have actually spend some time doing it. I can tell you from my many years of experience that while it is possible to learn the essential techniques on the books and internet, it is still essential to have a good solid knowledge base before you embark on a course of any type.

Theory and Method

The main part of any bonsai care is theory before you even get started. The aim of the bonsai is to recreate the appearance of a fully grown tree in miniature. In theory, the way a bonsai is planted and grown determines the style it will have. There are five main styles of bonsai: formal upright, informal upright, cascade, slanting, and bush.

After choosing the style you want, you will need to learn the basics of pruning. This includes everything from when to plant, to the methods of shaping your tree. Pruning is vital, because unless you create an air and water environment naturally, your tree is more likely to become damaged or even kill.


Of course, you will need to train your tree if you want it to grow to its full potential. If you are just buying a tree, then it will likely be quite easy to train it. However, if you are considering planting a bonsai, then there are things you need to know about training. You cannot just snap the branches and limbs into the shape you want it. Building a good training system takes a lot of skill and patience.

Root ball

The second most important part of a bonsai is the root ball. The root ball is the area where the tree is usually planted. It is important to take care not toaterwrong and cause damage to the roots. After you have established your tree, it’s imperative that you don’t mistreat the roots.


Some people prefer to simply electrical the bonsai. This is the easiest method and also the most economical. If you choose to use wiring, it is best to do it near the start of spring. It’s best to use aluminum wire to guide the branches and limbs and to ensure they are in a straight line. Be as careful as possible when using wire to try and avoid damaging the bonsai in any way. Once you have wired your tree, it is essential you don not move it until it is completely finished.Moving the tree should be done only when it is dormant and the soil is free of any life.


The activity of growing a bonsai involves both growing and pruning. If you do neither, the likelihood are that the tree will become top heavy and easily cause it to be uprooted. Pruning is a very crucial part of the bonsai growing process. It should be done when the tree is dormant and the branch is growing in a straight direction. There are many different types of pruning and they should be done regularly. Pruning is done to remove unwanted branches, to shape the tree, to get rid of diseased or dead branches, and to get rid of small twigs.

Although a bonsai tree may still have some “growth” leaves even after it has been trained it is very crucial to the health of the tree to have the leaves pruned. The leaves are the “essence” of the tree. They are what it eats and what it gives off. Therefore, if you prune the leaves, you also feed and nourish the tree.


Topiary is the art of sculpting bonsai trees into artful shapes. This is done by wiring the branches and twigs of the tree into the precise form.iggght perfect. One of the special features of bonsai tree wiring is that the art is a subtle one. The shapes are not obvious to the naked eye but the art allows a bonsai to be both literarily and figuratively true to life.

Bonsai is both an art and a horticultural practice. It is an art because nothing quite compares to a living thing. It is a horticultural practice because it allows a person to train, prune, and grow a tree over time.Bonsai treesare beautiful objects and provide a lot of pleasure to their owners. By learning the art of bonsai, a person can find his own way into the mystic and meditate with his/her bonsai tree.

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