Tips for Growing Your Cattleya Orchids

girl holding onto a plastic pot

Cattleya orchids are one of the most popular species grown. These are known for their large, showy flowers and beautiful colors. They bloom for many months at a time, and are considered easy to grow. When giving your Cattleya orchid as a gift, be sure to know the types of orchids that are most suitable for the person or occasion. Orchids like cattleya orchids grow best when given as a mature plant rather than seeds. Therefore, it is best to purchase a young plant rather than trying to grow one from seeds. If the person you are giving the plant to has a busy schedule, you may want to skip the growing stage and go straight to the testing stage.

Potting Cattleya Orchids

There are two types of potting techniques used with Cattleya orchids. The first, which is the recommended and conventional method, is to use a medium pot. Clay pots are preferred to plastic because they provide excellent drainage and aeration. If you are using a clay pot, you can line the bottom with gravel to help with drainage. The other disadvantage of using a plastic pot is that the potting medium will quickly become waterlogged. For this reason, particularly novice gardeners should use a clay pot.

If you decide to use a plastic pot, you can use a liner for the pot to facilitate drainage. However, because the potting medium will quickly become waterlogged, you will need to make sure that the pot has a drainage hole in the bottom. Using a chopstick, make an upward slit in the plastic pot covering the drainage hole. Before putting the orchid into the freshly prepared pot, put a small quantity of potting medium on the bottom of the pot.

Care of Cattleya Orchids

When you are watering your orchids, it is important to ensure that you allow the potting medium to dry out between sessions. You can check this every four to five days. Medium that is continuously wet will rot. You should also water your plant on the days that it is not possible to dry the medium.

The water that you use for your orchid should have no effect on its ability to retain moisture. Your orchid should be able to get enough water through the bottom of its roots, but no more. After watering your orchid, it is also important to allow the plant to drain. You should be able to feel the roots after watering. The roots should not be mushy or dry. If they are, you may want to provide a little extra water to ensure that it is being absorbed by the roots.

The amount of water you give your Cattleya orchid is important to be consistent. You cannot over water it or underwater it. For the most part, you want to keep the watering schedule consistent. In addition, you should water your Cattleya orchid on the days that it is cloudy or cool. Water it at least one hour before releasing the water.

Perhaps you have been using the wrong temperature for your orchid. The recommended temperature for the Cattleya orchid is 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. You should not lower the temperature much below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. For cooling, you can use a small tray of pebbles placed above the plant. Make sure to place the tray where the humidity level is low.

The humidity level for Cattleya orchids is important, and you can increase it by using humidifiers. Spraying to increase the humidity level around the plant may also be necessary. The leaves should be gently misted once a week.

Cattleya orchids have long been known as one of the most popular species grown by orchid lovers. If you plan to grow orchids, you will want to consider purchasing a plant from a reputable grower. A good solid guarantee for the Cattleya orchid is that it will produce the same gorgeous flowers that the Cattleya has.

Potting orchids is not difficult. If you know the proper procedure, you should be able to successfully replace or repot an orchid. Although some orchids may be difficult to repot, most are attainable with the proper procedures. Some orchids will even bloom again, which is a true reward for all the effort that you put into helping your Cattleya orchids turn their natural colors.

green plant on black plastic pot
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