Understanding Your Water Garden Season

The amount of water your water garden needs is influenced by several factors. These factors are: the size and shape of your pond, the subsoil and topsoil levels, your plant selection, and the overall climate where you live.

The size of your pond will be one of the more obvious factors. If you are installing a five or ten gallon pond, you will want to plan for at least a forty gallon topsoil layer. This means you will need about three hundred cubic feet to cover your pond volume.


Once your pond is installed, and you’ve laid out its bottom features, you will want to create a forty inch long by one foot wide neobirth. This is actually the minimum size for a good, stable pond. If you are installing a half size pond, you will need around one hundred square feet of topsoil.

Now that you’ve planned out the size of your pond, it’s time to think about the topsoil. Remember, that one problem with laying out a pond is that you are creating a hill, which means your water has nowhere to go. Ponds create a lot of runoff, which can mess up local drainage systems. So you want to limit the area that your pond is exposed to. To help with this, try to make the perimeter of the pond as smooth as possible. You want your pond to flow seamlessly and you can’t do that if your pond is Hovering.

Once your pond is in, you may still need to do some landscaping. You can use rock, plants, bricks, or mulch to give your pond that finished look. You can also cut some of the tree roots that grow in your pond and use these roots to ‘eez,’ one or two inches of roots will go a long way once they’re trimmed.

Garden pond kits take all the hassle out of getting a decent pond. All you will need are the basic supplies; pebbles, some water lilies, some fish, a shovel and some time. You can do this for free, bet tonic to any handyman out there.

Don’t skimp on the pond liner. Unless you have a source for natural fiberglass pond liners, buying a liner for your pond is a good idea.This type of liner is an easy way to put together a pond.Lining the bottom of your pond with a preformed fibrous liner will not only give your pond a stable, solid base, but it will also help to contain the inside edge of the liner. This is much better than flexible liner, as the preformed type will not need to be cut as frequently. flexibility causes portability problems.

For the fish, the most important thing to decide is how many? If you have a large space to fill with waterlilies, that many fish will be a temptation. However, not all fish are equal and you want to make certain that the number of fish is compatible with the amount of space you have. Then again, a large pond can have a lot of fish and if you have a walleye or Koi, they tend to eat pretty much at anything. It is best to not have too many of these fish ( Koi’s can be quite expensive) and to limit to the number of ornamental fish (thrillers).

If you are a ‘plant killer’… Keep these few plants (thrillers) in the re-creation area. Choose ornamental plants that aren’t going to get much sun (they’ll either get sunburned or sun scalded, which is no good for them) and place them in the re-creation area where they will be appreciated.

Don’t get carried away with a picturesque water garden. A water garden isn’t necessarily a beautiful thing. It’s there to serve a purpose. That purpose is to make a statement about your home – your surroundings – and what a great place to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. Water gardens can do that and they don’t require a lot of space. So enjoy one at your home today.

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