Use Seaweed Extract in Your Garden


Liquid seaweed extract is something that many people would not think about using in their garden but there are so many uses for it. Not only can the seaweed extract be used to give your garden a boost but it can also be used to improve the soil and the compost.

Seaweed extract is at its best when it is mixed with compost and peat. Many people also use it in their garden as a mulch. It does a great job of preventing weeds from growing in the compost. As the mulch decomposes it releases nutrients and minerals to the soil and allows the nutrients and minerals to seep into the soil.

Knowing the raw material that makes up seaweed extract can help you determine many things.

• The strength of the material. The better the quality of the seaweed the more seaweed extract you will be able to make out of it.

• How much seaweed to use. You want to use a certain amount of seaweed extract per square meter.

• How to use seaweed extract. You can mix a certain amount of seaweed extract with compost and peat moss in a barrel. The seaweed will slowly release ammonia into the ground and allow the water to seep into the ground over time.

Seaweed is a fantastic addition to a garden because of its high nutritional value. The seaweed is actually more nutritious than fish and provides trace elements that plants need. Many people prefer not to use seaweed in their garden but it is such a good fertilizer that it is worth using. Besides the fact that it is good for your garden, using seaweed extract in compost will help reduce the amount of waste that you throw out.

Compost is a good natural fertilizer and seaweed extract is a good additive to compost piles. Once you have started making your own seaweed extract you will wonder why you didn’t start making compost years ago.

To make seaweed extract you chop up seaweed, and while you do that you fill up a beaker with water. When you are done mashing the seaweed you can pour it into a beaker and start the really fun part of making seaweed extract. You will need to alternate layers of brown and green material in your beaker. You will find that the brown material includes peat moss, dried fallen leaves, straw or chopped up twigs and string. The green material will be things like grass clippings, fresh cut grass, livestock manure, vegetable scraps, hays manures, and nearly anything else that will break down.

If you are making more of a liquid seaweed extract you will want to make sure that you have a bucket that is dark enough so that the extract will not light but won’t let light in to your solution either. Another dark solution is actually washing liquid seaweed. This is great for those of you that have a worm farm that likes to be dark.

Once you have your seaweed solution prepared and your seaweed is in the beaker or wherever it is you want it, you take your beaker and immerse the beaker be all the way down into the bottom of the beaker. You will have formed a baths Fill of seaweed and want to be sure to mist it as often as possible. You are on your way to have a baths filled with no chemicals, and where you put your beaker, it should be as close to the kitchen as possible.


You will need to find a comfortable position for yourself while you are surrounded by seaweed. This may be a little uncomfortable so a good idea is to find a spot near the house where you will be less likely to stand and rub your eyes.

You can maintain the warmth of the seaweed inside your home for as long as you like and enjoy the boundless freshness of the scent that the seaweed will give off. One of the more popular ways of enjoying the culinary benefits of seaweed is to make a seaweed tea. Pour a heaping tablespoon of it straight into a tea pot and allow to steep for at least an hour. When ready, pour into a cold glass and enjoy the refreshing brew.

Searching for seaweed products should be easier than ever. You can find all kinds of information on the internet and most seaweed products are reasonably priced. If you have any favorites that you would recommend, I would suggest trying to find as many as you can to add to your home so that you are more likely to want to experiment with seaweed products.

*Referr: Seaweed supplier.

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