What Is A Good Way To Employ LED Grow Lights?

An indoor garden, like a greenhouse, is a good way to employ LED grow lights. The two main types of Horticulture LED lamps which are sometimes used are fluorescent grow lights and led grow lights. Each of these have their own pros and cons we can’t go into too much detail here but suffice it to say that led grow lights are finding their place in the Horticulture industry due to their low energy usage and long lasting operation.

The first type are the fluorescent lights. Florescent grow lights use up to six times less energy than the sun and typically last up to two years. Since they also use less heat, you can place the lights closer to the plants you wish to grow. Another reason for this is that although they may provide artificial light, they are not completely ‘LED’, because that would mean that they rely entirely on the heat from the sun for the light they provide.

green trees near body of water during daytime

These types of grow lights are also found in compact fluorescent, high output and spot lights. The difference between them can be striking.

1. LED lights

In many ways, these are the mostantly used of the Horticulture LED lights. They tend to be more compact, have a longer life, run cool and are the only type of LED light which is environmentally friendly. spot lights mimic the light patterns from the sun during growing time. The bulbs used are designed to give off light in the blue and red spectrums, designed to mimic the ideal light patterns for vegetative growth and flowering.

2. HID or high intensity discharge lights

These use electricity Ram device technology instead of theSilicon veins found in silicon. This device runs incredibly cool and can provide light for as much as five times the amount of an LED bulb. Depending on the type of you want to grow you can select from a high pressure sodium grow light, to a high pressure sodium/ultraviolet grow light. This light can also be used for seedling and flowering.

3. LED grow lights system

If you only need to provide light for a couple of plants, say herbs that grow well indoors, you might select from the wide selection of LED lights available. They are available in bulbs that are designed to work with specific plant requirements.

4. Orchid grow lights

As with anything, when you understand the advantages and disadvantages you can make the right decision. While these lights are considered to be a relatively new technology for the home gardener and greenhouseucer, many experienced growers have found many advantages over conventional grow lights. Mainly this type of LED grow light produces less heat as the watts used are only a fraction of what a conventional style grow light does. Also, since little heat is lost due to the reflective surface, you will get a betterCRI(Color Temperature Controlled) result. Since this grow light works at such low temperatures, you won’t have to use expensive cooling systems.

5. Super-efficient light

This kind of grow light uses only a fraction of a watt when compared to conventional bulbs. Now this isn’t to say that you wont be able to increase your harvest by making use of other methods. longing for those pound of green you could be out there waiting for a few tomatoes to develop! Also, the light produced tends to be of a higher quality, lasting almost two ten years, compared to the manual bulbs you use for outdoor growing.

If you are new to the concept of using this kind of grow light, I hope this article has helped you better understand the concept; as well as save you money.

Happy Growing!

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