What You Should Know About Japanese Gardening

Things to keep in mind for a beautiful garden

Japanese gardening has a few principles that should be adhered to when planning your garden. Those principles include planning, selecting plants and herbs, planting, fertilizing and watering. In order to create a beautiful garden, these 3 things must be taken into consideration.

purple crocus flowers in bloom during daytime

Characteristics of a Japanese Garden

Japanese gardens typically have a minimalistic look. The plants and herbs found in these gardens are meant to be placed as close to the viewer’s eye as possible. This is why it is important for you to research the type of plant you want to use for your garden.

One of the interesting features of Japanese gardens is that there is little curling or bending. The traditional Japanese garden is a horizontal plot with paths on either side. However this is abandoned and it is up to you to decide if you want to build a path in this garden.

Have you ever stood in a Shinto bamboo pond and been amazed by the beauty of the surrounding plants? There is one particular plant that grows significantly during the off season. It is the Bamboo forest.

Not only do the plants grow during the different seasons, but the trees also shed their leaves in the fall and sprout again in the spring.

Depending on the type of garden you have, you can decide on what rocks, boulders and plants you’d like to include. Just remember to make a mental note of what plants are present in each specific garden.

Selecting a rock

If your garden is going to contain large rocks, select them very carefully. For example, on a hill, you don’t want large rocks to weigh the entire garden down. Once you have your path in place, and your boulders in place, you may want to place a few small pebbles or perhaps a moss orchid at the bottom of your slope.

The simplest rocks to select are those made of thin rectangular or square bricks. Other rocks to use include those upside down, those ground up, and those occur in nature. Not all stones will be used for this purpose and you’ll want to search for those that are most appropriate for your garden.

Selecting a level area

When you begin planting, make sure that the level of your garden is between 15 and 20 inches. This is Why you want to place your plants at the appropriate level in the beginning. If you want your water to flow down a slope, you’ll need to use a pump. This will help to pump up the water you’ve created and prevent the garden from becoming stagnant.

If you don’t want the water to “slide” down a slope, you’ll need to create a bermed pond at the bottom of the slope. The Bermed pond is the perfect place for the drownamental plants like Water Lilies.


Water Lilies










Water Lilies

G lurule

Glass Iris

Vegetables (Lettuce, Radish, Onion, Garlic)

.; Peppers

; Cucumber

; Squash

; Onion

; Carrots

; Lettuce

; Beets

; Peas

; Cucumber

; Pumpkin

; Potato

; pumpkin

; Radish

; Turnip

; Onion

; Lettuce

; Peas

; Cucumber

; melon

; Potato

; Pumpkin

; Cucumber

; Asparagus

; Okra

; Tomato

; Lettuce

; Lettuce

; and Corn



Weeds will hold back plant food reserves which will aid your vegetables. Some weeds are good for your garden because they’re such makes for good gardening soil.


Straw is great for the vegetable garden; however, hay and straw make a beautiful addition to the flower garden.

white flowers in tilt shift lens
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