What’s Better About Growing Tomato Plants From Seed?

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It is true that there are some people prefer to buy tomato plants rather than grow them from seed. But, you can save a lot of money by growing your own tomato plants from seeds and the following are some important advantages to growing tomato plants from seeds:

1) You save money – There are some people who think that growing tomato plants from seeds is cheaper than buying the plants that grow from seeds. But, the truth is that you can actually save your money by growing your own tomato plants rather than buying them. Actually, the first season we spent over $70 for a tomato plant on sale. We also started seeds, and the first year it was only about $30. It has now been 3 years and we are still producing tomatoes, so I am still saving money but only a little bit.

2) You could be sure that the tomatoes you grow will be of the highest quality – You will not get any tomatoes lower than your neighbour’s tomato plants, and you can be sure that the tomatoes you grow from seeds are just as good as those that grow at the store.

3) Nothing is more exciting than putting a tomato plant into the ground – You have to wait until the tomato season is over before you actually dig up the soil to plant your own tomato plants. But, once planted, your tomatoes are sure to be delicious for quite a long time.

4) You will have the satisfaction of having grown your own tomatoes – This can be quite an achievement, especially when you are promoting organic tomato gardening. Then you can taste the results of your hard work and the satisfaction knowing that you gave yourself and your family the best tomatoes to eat!

5) You can use the seeds from the tomato plant – This is especially applicable when you plant indoors with the healthy benefit of tomatoes right in your own kitchen or dining table. You can even save the trays that you use to catch the wondrous seedlings, and plant them in your kitchen, for the convenience of having them available whenever you want them for your next meal.

6) You do not have to deal with pests or diseases – There are many things to consider when you are growing tomatoes. Weeds and pests can destroy your tomato plant, taking the whole thing over, and your tomato plants cannot deal with them. As you avoid doing harm to these, you can focus on things that deal with the pests and diseases.

7) Less chemicals are required – This is not only good for the health of people, but it is also great for the environment. The less chemicals you have to get rid of means that you are doing your part to save the earth and, indeed, become more environmentally conscious.

8) Provides a sustainable supply – This is also dramatically important. If you grow your tomatoes outside, you are not certain when you will get your next supply of tomatoes. And this can make you dependent on others. With tomatoes grown inside, you can be sure that you will always have tomatoes available. Also, should your tomatoes fail to produce, you will have a fresh supply to pick and eat from.

9) You can sell very expensive tomatoes – Of course, if you intend to sell really expensive tomatoes, this is not a problem. But many people have recipes that they use, and they do not want to break the bank to buy tomatoes that are out of their price range. So, growing tomatoes from seeds is a great way to make sure that you have a ready supply of tomatoes at a fraction of their grocery store price.

10) You can grow tomato plants year round – Well, this is just fantastic. If you want to grow tomato plants that you can eat every single day, every single season, you can do that. You can say that you can never have too many tomatoes. Well, you can say that the same can be said about fresh cooked tomatoes.

These are just some of the tremendous benefits of growing your own tomatoes from seeds. I have to admit that I am addicted to growing my own tomatoes. In fact, not only do they taste great, but it is so easy, and less expensive than buying them at the store.

So, give it a try, and you will not be disappointed.

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