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The Types of Bonsai Trees
There are many different types of bonsai trees. Some are Conventional, trimmed and shaped regular trees; there are also Semi or Informal, which are also known as Rainforest and woodland trees. It is also possible to spot a bonsai from
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Edible Gardening – Snack Time!
Did someone mention food? It must surely be time to take a break from work and EAT! Snack time rules! This summer my dwarf cherry tree, which grows outside my writing studio, had the largest crop of cherries in its
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Why You Should Become a Tree Steward
There is a little known community program called Tree Steward. To become a Tree Steward you attend a class and then perform fifteen hours of community service improving urban forests. The process is informative and enjoyable. You will meet like
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Growing Plants in Your Home
Have you thought of growing plants in your home? This is a great idea to fill your house with the colors of nature. In addition, you will be adding attractive features to your home. The seasons change and plants accordingly
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Choosing the Right Trees For Your Fruit Orchard
There are so many fruit trees available, that choosing the right trees for your fruit orchard may become difficult and very confusing. The choice becomes slightly easier when you know that you have to choose the perfect fruit tree in
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Flower Curbs – Beautifulces desircles a enjoyed Beauty
Flowering plants are very amazing things, full of color, form and texture. They make any visit to your yard special. They not only bring color to your garden, they also fill it with wonderful fragrances and attract many birds and
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Repairing Your Tree
If you own a house with a small garden, dealing with tree damage can be tricky. It is diffeep to remove a tree, especially privet trees, without damaging the surrounding plants. Most people agree that planting deciduous trees is a
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Flower Box and Others for Yuletide Decoration
Few days from now, we will be celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Everybody is busy wrapping gifts, doing last minute shopping and decorating their homes. As a home and gardening aficionado, I want to share something about
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How to Replant a Grape Vine
Because so many grape growers ask this question, I though it would be a good idea to write this article as part of the “New To Growing Grapes” series of posts on my blog. The reason why so many new
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Growing Your Own Plants in Your Home
If you have a flat or a house with some feet of grass or gravel in it, why not have a go at growing some of your own plants? It’s not as hard as you might think! There are plenty
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Other Common Vegetable Gardening Problems
We all encounter these problems with Vegetable Gardening. Sometimes they are serious and sometimes we just have a few too many. Let’s handle the more common vegetable gardening problems. You just can’t grow anything without knowing if it’s a fungus,
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Flint Or Tarragon – An Easy and Versatile Finesaler
ifera babysua Family – Solanaceae – SparrowOrnamental – Insectivorous The tiny dwarf leaved hosta, ifera babysua, has become a popular garden plant. The blue/mauve flowers are tiny, form close to the top of each stem and typically have white or
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Pruning Basics – Lesson #2 – The Function of Pruning
When we prune a plant for the purpose of heightening a tree’s shape, or for the purpose of increasing the size of a specimen, we call pruning. There are two things that we discuss, together with the functions they serve.
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Growing the Herb – Oregano
How does your garden grow? Most people, with exception of peppers, prefer growing herbs. They provide food and make aroma that can tickle the senses. Growing herbs is quite easy. For example, if you are a fan of Italian plates
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Orchid History and Growth – What You Should Know
Did you know that there are thousands of different orchid species that are all commonly found in the tropical and subtropical regions all around the world? These amazing plants have evolved in such a way that they are able to
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Ongoing Herb Garden Design Ideas
The herb garden is essentially a self contained culinary garden. Herb garden design is the space which is dedicated to growing a specific group of plants.Culinary herbs are probably the most useful to herb gardeners, and they are very popular.
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Thai Orchids?
Thai orchids? Royalty is a word that comes to mind when one speaks of these flowers. Their beauty and elegance is probably what sets them apart from their relatives. These royal flowers are usually fragrant and the leaves usually have
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The Special Meaning of a Yellow Rose
The meaning of a yellow rose signifies strong feelings of pure joy, gladness, happiness and freedom. It is used as a calling card to friends and family since it is bright and bright yellow. This is because the actual meaning
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Rock Gardens – Adding Herbs to Your Rock Garden
You’ve picked an excellent spot in your yard. It’s in a spot that is full sunlight most of the day. The soil is nicely drained and has a nice sandy loam. It’s just a perfect location. You don’t need to
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Ferns in a Dry Climate Garden – sympodial or clump forming?
The habit of many ferns, especially Leucophyllum, is to grow in neat clumps, not to unlike small trees in the forest. Well within this clump in the summer the ferns develop what is known as a rhizome which horizontalises into
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An Easy Way to Fertilize Your Lawn
Fertilizing is very important to get a healthy and beautiful lawn. However, you cannot just run into a brick wall and expect your lawn to great. You need to know when and how often you need to fertilize your lawn
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Be the King of Your Garden: Acres of Bluebells in the Garden
Try to Imagine A spring day in the woods. Snowdrops are gathering to form a snowdrift. The ground is alive. New bulbs are pushing out the dormant foliage of the last spring. The Bluebells are blooming and forming their leaves
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Growing Your Own Vegetables Is a Good Idea
Growing your own vegetables is a smart idea for many reasons… After World War 11, new conventional farming techniques spearheaded by large companies were to drastically change the way farmers grow their crop. At that time, growing your own vegetables
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Growing Italian Herbs – Oregano, Fennel, Sage, and Rosemary
Italian herbs herbs are probably the most popular varieties of herbs in the world today. Some of the reasons for this are not only the rich flavors that they provide to food, but also the possibility of adding them to