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Beautiful Plants Deserve To Be Placed In Commercial Planters
We all love to dwell in a clean, organized, and beautiful home. But most of us love to have plants in our surroundings that is why gardens are commonly found in every residential place. We usually cut the lovely flowers
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Building a Successful Vegetable Garden
Building a successful vegetable garden certainly can be a piece of cake even for those who have not grown their own vegetables in the past. A vegetable garden is very versatile and basically can be divided into two parts: the
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Mow A Better Lawn, The Easy Way
I was schooled, as many of you were, about mowing lawns, that each time you mow the lawn the next time you rotate 90 degrees. If you are extra anal you go for the 45 degree rotation. I was never
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Tips on Orchid Pruning
Pruning your orchids once they have started blooming is recommended to get rid of dead leaves and give your plant better growth. You also remove any weak stems or spindly looking plants. Pruning at the wrong time of year, when
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4 Secrets to Growing Juicy Tomatoes
Growing tomatoes is immensely rewarding, both in terms of personal taste and the benefits to the greenhouse garden. But juicy, succulent tomatoes don’t just happen – they must be grown. The rules of growing tomatoes are simple – if you
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Gardening Tips – Planting Carrots
As carrot seeds take about 8-12 weeks to germinate, I half expect none to germinate in my neck of the woods. Growing carrots, like growing anything, is a learning process. Carrots start out their life as a dormouse, with bare
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Landscape Plants for Hot Spots
Landscape plants that are heat-beaters are difficult to find. Some are just too prim to withstand the really hot summers of late. What equation should we use in determining the best for the situation? Check your garden after an especially
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How To Grow A Bonsai Tree – Part 1
First of all, let me give you the definition of a bonsai tree. Bonsai is the art of growing a tree in a miniature. A bonsai tree is basically a tree in a pot. The “bon” is Japanese for “pot”.
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Gardening in Large Containers
There is something immensely satisfying about putting one’s own, home grown plants in one’s landscape, such as patios, terraces, and gazebos. Not only does it give one a sense of achievement, it also provides a wonderful opportunity to recycle and
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Everything You Need to Know About Roots
Beginning gardeners often acquaintance the concept of roots, yet few know that different types of roots can do interesting things. You will often see photographs of “splotched” or “abridged” orchids, taken directly from the center of the plant where the
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What You Didn’t Know About Chinch Bugs
While most bugs are beneficial to us in the garden, chinch bugs are not well known. They’re a black and green semi-round grid of bugs that cause chopped up foliage, leaf edges and new growth to turn brown and drop
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Why Use LED Grow Lights for Your Indoor Plants?
There are many benefits to using LEDs to grow your plants indoors. In this article we will explore the advantages more clearly, while avoiding the possible pitfalls that can make using LEDs difficult or even impossible. Uses Before we go
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Gardening With the Birds
It is still possible to enjoy your hobby even when air and water are scarce. Some hobbyists plant to ensure that they will still have fruits and vegetables even in depleted resources. Generally, for serious gardeners, growing plants that produce
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Lime Lawns – Sweet and Sour
Oh what a sight when you turn a corner and there in front of you is this absolutely beautiful yard. Almost makes you want to smile, then your get to your yard and then you become a little, um, depressed?
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Getting Ready to Garden – 10 Great Organizing Tips
The days are getting longer, the seed catalogs are in the mailbox, the plants are greening up. It is time to focus on organizing for the new planting season. Take a LookBefore you even put a trowel to the ground,
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Building Raised Garden Beds – Why Homeowners Love Them
Building raised garden beds has many benefits that homeowners love. They are easy to maintain, get good soil drainage and are generally a lot cheaper then mowing the lawn in the spring. They’re also nice to look at and add
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Indoor Herb Gardens – An Introduction
If you love the taste of fresh herbs then you should consider growing an indoor herb garden. vapor herb plants are perfect indoor herb gardens for those who don’t have space outdoors for a garden. There is soo much you
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The Art of Bonsai Tree Pruning
Bonsai tree pruning is the basis of the bonsai art. The way we prune these trees to transform them into a small version and to make them remain miniature is the most essential step of the process. Shaping is another
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The Bonsai Tree
What is the bonsai tree? The bonsai is a genetically small tree that originated in China and Japan. It is kept small by pruning of the roots and branches and pinching back new growth. The tree is then transferred to
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Growing the Herb – Oregano
Just as growing your own vegetables to cook with, there is nothing quite like growing your own herbs to use to flavor your cooking. If you are a cook who enjoys using herbs in your recipes, consider how much more
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Watering Your Orchids – 3 Simple Rules of (Green) Thumb
Orchids are different from most other houseplants, so watering less is usually a fairly simple matter. With the exception of some unusual orchids such as the Lycaste, there is a generally a two-part rule with orchids. They like a humid
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Lawn Tips – Lawn Damage by Disease, Insects, Drought, Heat, and Animals
Every summer in Sydney, Australia, countless lawns are damaged by lawn diseases caused by lawn insect pests, fungus, mosses, algae and granular rust. These are often fungal in origin and the damage can include the entire leaf of the plant
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Curb Appeal – Spring TLC For Your Curb Appeal’s Focal Points
The majority of focal points in your garden will survive the winter but may sustain some damage or wear. While trees will generally survive a winter low-light, they will not likely survive a direct summer blast. performed right, annuals will
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Healthy Eating Facts
SpartanA Keeper, an electronic health monitoring device that is used to assist individuals in their quest to live healthy and active lives. The fitness plan that you can obtain from the Alive!Healthye app is a strong step towards living a