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Caring for Orchids – A Step-By-Step Guide
If you are caring for orchids, then you certainly understand how magnificent these flowers can be, with the proper care. They beautify your surroundings and give off a wonderful aroma. So, if you have also gone through the same stage,
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Growing portions of fruits and vegetables in your own organic garden – An Introduction
Organic gardening is growing plants (including fruits and vegetables) in materials that won’t harm their quality or flavor. It’s also quite a healthy way to garden, as it builds healthy soil and avoids pesticides. Growing your own organic garden is
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Common Tomato Diseases – the Causes, The Symptoms and the Cures
Do you know what to look for when growing tomatoes? For example, if you notice odd colored stems, possibly with black or brown spots – well that could be a sign of something called airborne spores. “What in the world
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Growing lucky stems, rhizomes and tubers
You have just completed your garden and you want to know what to do next. Should you cut down all the tall, dead branches? Should you pick those few lucky stems that have grown from the inner circle of your
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Find Out Why People Are Going Nuts About Euphorbia Plants
Why are people going nuts about Euphorbia Plants? Webster’s Dictionary’s meaning states that this type of plants are part of the family of Eurphorbiaceae. These are plants that have milky juice and flowers lacking a calyx. It features a flower
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Success opens the door to lots of Possibilities
I watched a friend place a seedling in a glass jar with some water and set it on his kitchen counter. It took less than five minutes for the liquid to go from a cold condiment to a crisp, sweet
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Different Simple Techniques For Gardening
Gardening can be considered as a common hobby. It does not require too much effort and it is relatively easy to do. Generally, the most important thing is to be enthusiastic and to have a lot of patience. You will
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You Want Your Container Garden Outside?
When deciding to create a Container Garden outside, you really need to put some thought into the decision of where to put it. Make the wrong decision now and your container garden could really suffer. Pick the right spot and
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Lawn Watering For Better Lawn Health While Using Less Water
Watering the lawn is another one of those simple things which many of us give little attention to. Many lawn owners will have an irrigation system in place that comes on and runs for a few minutes and then stops
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Choosing The Right Watering Hoses For Your Garden Will Make You Grug up To Be A Better Gardener
Choosing a proper watering hose for your garden is an important first step to growing a garden that you will be proud of. Being able to water your garden by hand is time consuming and a real pain in the
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Solarize Your Garden!
Is water pollution causing problems for wildlife in warmer parts of the world? More and more cities are dealing with restrictions on wateringmounted in parkways and boulevards. In Houston a new ‘masterplan’ encourages homeowners to eliminate through a conservation program.
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Herb Garden Plants – Angelica
Angelica archangelica (Umbelliferae) Appearance: An imposing and dramatic plant which, given good growing conditions, attains up to 2 m (6ft 6in) in height, with large green/white mophead flowers held aloft. Good for the back of borders where they can be
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Are We Starving the Bees?
Are we unknowingly starving the pollinators and our precious ecosystem too? Are we unaware that each time we plant another one of those perfect looking, unsustainable hybrid plants that we are actually hammering another nail in their Affordable housing pattern?
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Hybrid Seeds
Hybrid seeds are seeds that result from the cross breeding of two different species of plant, usually of the same species but with different qualities. The offer by hybrid seed companies of such seeds is usually attractive and tempting. The
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Knowing Garden Culprits and Battling Against Them
Annual plants seldom develop problems since they are brought at home healthy and planted in a suitable spot with sufficient moisture. Unfortunately, trouble-making plants are often identified in the garden because of one or more of the seven cracks that
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Hydroponic Growing With LED Grow Lights
Hydroponic growing with LED grow lights has gained acceptance over the years because it is both economical and effective. Hydroponics is used when natural light in not available and one has to resort to using artificial light. In this case,
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Growing Bushes, Trees, and Shrubs
If you want to have a garden that is as attractive as yours, then you should put nature and yourself in charge. The easiest way to get this is to put a small patch of soil in the garden with
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Growing Great Orchids – The Orchid Necessities
Orchids are one of the most exquisite plants on this planet. They have a different kind of beauty and the flowers that bloom from them are equally stunning. That is why is you want to grow your orchids well, you
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Summer Gardening
Summer Vegetable Garden Here’s the time again to start anew. Some seeds will germinate in the salty air, sun and water, while others will need a little more patience. Still others are resting in the fridge, hopefully still warm and
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Getting Ready to Garden – 10 Great Organizing Tips
The days are getting longer, the seed catalogs are in the mailbox, the plants are greening up. It is time to focus on organizing for the new planting season. It is important to plan for the next growing season. You
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Weather Newspaper For Gardening and Other Purposes
A few years ago I decided to look for a replacement for the ubiquitous weathervane that my mother had, after years of frustrating and annoying her, after much research and questionablepollination of bees, I decided to order my own weathervane.
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The Bonsai Basics
The Bonsai Tree The bonsai tree is not ‘just another house plant’ and fans of Bonsai cultivation need to have great patience and perseverance because it can take quite a few years for a bonsai to fully grow and flourish.
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Weed Control – Understanding the Basics
Nearly everyone who has a lawn has the problem of weeds interfering with their vision of a lush green lawn. Weeds are unsightly, and they are hard to control once they have taken root. They choke out the grass with
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Gardenia and Bonsai – A Beginner’s Guide
Gardenia, also known as Kukui, Bonsai wherry, Marinberry or Pineapple, is a small tropical shrub with needle-shaped green leaves and a small red fruit. With a quick recovery, you can re-pot your Gardenia every two to three years to a